Is thre anyway to tell if the film has been exposed when using a zenit-e ??? im just testing arround with it but when i take a picture i can not see it on the film??
Who is doing the film developing? If the film is moving through the camera as I instructed and is set for the proper settings for the light situation you should have pictures after you get them backk from the lab. don
And to answer your question - no you can't physically see the image after you take a picture, there is a chemical process involved that will make that image appear, for that you give to to developing lab. Also if you open the camera with undeveloped film in you will ruin the film, since it is light sensitive and cannot be exposed to it until it's processed by these chemicals in the lab. Make sure to rewind film first back into the cassette when you're shot a roll and THEN open the camera. Good luck, film photography is a lot of fun!