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James McGee
James McGee

192 Posts
Posted - Nov 08 2008 :  09:26:09 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hello everyone,
I just want to mention to other forum members that I will be selling some USSR cameras and lenses on Ebay during the next couple of weeks.
I have really too many cameras and most of them have been stored in boxes in the roof space of my house for up to ten years or more. Unfortunately due to ill health I am no longer able to make the perilous journey into my roof space, and so no longer have access to these cameras.
In any case I have many cameras which are duplicated several times over, and really I should have sold them years ago, but you know what we collectors are like!!! We don'tlike to part with our precious collections!
The main point that I want to make is that I will of course describe everything that I sell as accuratley and honestly as I am able. That said I have the greatest respect for all our forum members I just want to say that if any member buys anything that I have offered and is not entirley satisfied I will happily refund whatever was paid.
I will of course be keeping the core of my collection, but only what I can comfortably display in my home.
Although I have some health problems, I am still looking forward to and fully expect to attend to Bivres next June.
Best wishes to all,

Vladislav Kern
4256 Posts
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Posted - Nov 08 2008 :  10:52:14 AM  Show Profile  Visit Vlad's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Hi Jim,

maybe before you post all these on eBay you could post a brief pricelist with name of the camera and asking price here and sell some stuff directly (and maybe in batches), I'm sure some people will be interested in a lot of these items here, will save you some serious money in eBay fees... and whatever left can go to auction.

What do you think?

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Juhani Halmeenmaki
1026 Posts
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Posted - Nov 08 2008 :  10:52:36 AM  Show Profile  Visit cedricfan's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Please let us know your ebay-alias? I will be watching carefully!

Smena rules
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BERRY alain
814 Posts
Posted - Nov 08 2008 :  11:26:22 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi james ,
why not publish your list here ?
I would be interested ....
and be on your legs for Bièvres !
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Aidas Pikiotas
973 Posts
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Posted - Nov 08 2008 :  1:13:25 PM  Show Profile  Visit AidasCams's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Hi Jim,

it's a pity to hear about your ill health, but I'm absolutely sure you will be ok very soon! Hoping to meet you in Bievres next June!!!

Best Regards,
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James McGee
James McGee
192 Posts
Posted - Nov 08 2008 :  1:37:31 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hello everyone,
I'm not yet sure exactly what I will be selling, but there will be quite a lot, and of course I will still keep a collection of my favorite cameras, but only those for which I have space to display in my home, which I think will probably be around fifty cameras.
This means that I have to part with I guess somewhere between 100 and 150 cameras plus many lenses and other equipment.
For example I presently have in excess of fifty Fed-1 cameras, and I will be keeping about twenty or so, which means I will be selling around thirty Fed-1 cameras from Fed-1a to Fed-1g. I also have many Zorki-1 cameras of all types.
In addition I will be selling other cameras such as Kiev,(various models) Moment, Narciss, Moscow, (various models) Tourist, Lillyput, Sputnik, Zenith-C, C64,(Yolka), Iskra, Fed-2,(around ten), Konsomolets, Zaria, Horizon, and many more.
Also I will be selling quite a few lenses, such as Fed 100mm F6.3,Fed-28mm, Russar, Fed and Zorki collapsable lenses, many Jupiter, 9 Jupiter 11, and Jupiter 12.
in addition there are many minor items such as filter, self timers, and so on.
My son in law and daughters will be helping me to open all the boxes over the next few days and I will then have a better idea of what there is.
I will try to let the forum know in advance what will be coming up for sale. As of tomorrow there will be a Zorki-1 with stereo attachment, some Fed-1 cameras including Fed-1a, 1b, 1c, Fed-S,(C)and some lenses.
It's still too early forme to make a definitive list, but I will try to do so.
As regards to prices, well I really have no idea what to ask, which is why am more comfortable putting them on eBay to let them find their own level of value, whatever that may be.
Best wishes to all, Jim
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James McGee
James McGee
192 Posts
Posted - Nov 08 2008 :  1:49:19 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Aidas,
Thanks for asking about my health, and also thanks to Jacques. Yes I will certainly be at Bievres next June.
My illness isn't something new. It's cancer and I have been ill for the last five years, though it has not stopped me from working or collecting cameras, and it hasn't stopped me now, I will continue to collect cameras.
My only problem is that I can no longer make the hazardous journey into the roof space of my home where most of my cameras are stored. In any case all these cameras have been shut away in boxes for many years, and even if I were not ill it would be better to sell them and let them at least give others pleasure instead of being confined to box in an attic.
So yes, I fully intend to be at Bievres next June,
Best wishes, Jim.
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Aidas Pikiotas
973 Posts
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Posted - Nov 08 2008 :  3:46:20 PM  Show Profile  Visit AidasCams's Homepage  Reply with Quote

in my opinion Jim's idea to sell spare cameras on eBay is reasonable enough! Although having a lot of cameras in my collection, I'll do my best to buy some cameras from my wishes-list. I'm ready to pay extra price, when buying from Comrade collector, not from soulless camera dealer indeed ...

Jim, I'm wishing you strong health and fortitude and hoping to be informed in Forums about the start of your sales!

Best Regards,
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James McGee
James McGee
192 Posts
Posted - Nov 08 2008 :  4:34:58 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Thanks, I will put the first cameras on eBay tomorrow. To start with there will be a Zorki 1 with stereo attachments, and one or two Fed-1 cameras, and probably a couple of lenses. My eBay username is 1204_mcgee.
Best wishes, Jim.
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Ulrich W.
851 Posts
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Posted - Nov 08 2008 :  5:52:08 PM  Show Profile  Visit uwittehh's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Hi Jim,

if you have to sell a FED 1a please let me know, I am interested in having one, just send me a mail.


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Jacques M.
2625 Posts
Posted - Nov 09 2008 :  07:39:00 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Good luck to you, Jim!
I'll do my best too... and I think too that the idea of selling on eBay is reasonable.

But the best for us all would be to meet next year at Bièvres!
(easy to say that: not too far!)

Amitiés. Jacques.
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James McGee
James McGee
192 Posts
Posted - Nov 09 2008 :  08:32:06 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Thank you for your kind wishes, and to everyone else for their kind thoughts.
I am certainly looking forward to being at Bievres next year,
Best wishes, Jim.
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Bull Halsey
229 Posts
Posted - Nov 19 2008 :  1:32:23 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Jim,
All this time I've been checking eBay for your items only to see that apparently they had not yet been listed, that is until last night when I was speaking with Vlad and he said that they had been listed for a while on eBay.UK.

OK.....so I just checked your list (what's left of it) and spotted a couple items I might bid on. The thing is, I noticed no mention of you shipping to the U.S. . Will you ship Airmail to the United States?

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James McGee
James McGee
192 Posts
Posted - Nov 19 2008 :  4:19:29 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Steve,

Sorry that the items were only on eBay UK. I have never sold anything on eBay before and didn't even realise that it wasn't international. In fact Jacques pointed out to me that I need to put on international but don't know how to do it.
Unfortunately I have been ill for the past few days and didn't have chance yet to put even thirty percent of the items on eBay that I had intended. In any case I will be keeping back certain items for forum members as well as those that go on eBay.
As far as shipping is concerned I am willing to ship items by which ever method people prefer.
I need to return to Azerbaijan this coming Sunday and need to have recovered enough from my illness to be able to travel by then and so I have been forced to take it easy.
I will ensure that all the items that people have bought on eBay will have been posted before that time.
When I have the opportunity I will make a list of items that are available to forum members and send to Vlad, (assuming Vlad has no objection).
Incidentally if any forum member doesn't like any item that they have bought for whatever reason I will give a full refund no questions asked.
Best wishes to all, Jim.
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Aidas Pikiotas
973 Posts
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Posted - Nov 20 2008 :  01:06:23 AM  Show Profile  Visit AidasCams's Homepage  Reply with Quote

I'd like to say you special thanks for possibility in acquiring some long-awaited items for collection!!!

Best Regards,
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