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Movie Cameras > KMZ > Quarz 1
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Quarz 1

Spring motor 2x8mm Movie camera.
Camera was painted in light gray or dark, almost black colors, with white, brown, black handles. Name plate made in Cyrillic(domestic) and Latin(export) lettering.
Film: 2x8mm (in 2x7.5m cassette)
Speeds 8, 16, 32 frame/sec and single mode
Lens: Jupiter-24(1.9/12.5mm)
Weight: 1kg(only camera)

I have added some pictures of an early light brown Quarz. The specification is the same as given above, accept for the lens. Lens: Neva-1 (1.9/1.2cm)

David Tomlinson.

(Click to enlarge)

Created by okynek on 2/10/2009 9:51:28 PM   |   Last Edited by RCCCUK on 12/14/2011 6:03:06 AM   Revision History  
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