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Still Cameras > Made for Russian Market > Botanika Book Spy Camera
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Botanika Book Spy Camera

The only reason this camera got into this catalog is the extensive amount of Cyrillic writing all over it which in my personal opinion may classify as "Made for Russian Market" although it's probably there just to imitate LOMO cameras due to their popularity. Nevertheless it can be viewed very collectible in Russian camera circles. Camera is made in China with Japanese language manual. Outer hard paper stock cover and the camera body says "Botanika - Camera-book" in Russian and inner page has some gibberish to look like Russian written inside. :)

This is what is described by the seller as "Spy Book Camera".

Specs are:
110mm Film which what looks like special cassettes
23.1mm F8 Lens (Close up)
1/80S Shutter speed
Overall dimensions: 66x108x32mm
Collection of Vladislav Kern

(Click to enlarge)

Created by Vlad on 10/10/2009 11:34:18 PM   |   Last Edited by Vlad on 8/8/2022 2:23:00 PM   Revision History  
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