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Still Cameras > BelOMO - Zenit > Zenit ET Black Plastic, no exp meter, around 1993
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Zenit ET Black Plastic, no exp meter, around 1993

Yet another version of the Zenit-ET. Late model Black plastic Zenit ET. This one has no meter, but weather symbols in place of exposure meter dial and ZENIT-logo in place of meter cell. Very plastic camera: both the top and bottom plates are black plastic, and 'Made in Belarus' is in raised lettering on the bottom plate with Vilejka logo.

Originally fitted with choice of several normal lenses like Helios 44-3 or 44M-4 or 44M-5 44M-6 or 44M-7.

Serial number: 9314074, David Tomlinson, has an auto-diaphragm mechanism, normal lens Helios 44M-6. First two pictures

Serial number: 9311051, Juhani Halmeenmaki, has no aperture control from body to lens, normal lens Helios 44-3 w preset-aperture. Pictures 3-7

Serial number: 9337674, Richard Nuttall, has no auto diaphragm control, shown here with a 1993 Vologda Mir-1v. Pictures 8-14

Serial number: 9321434, Omega, diaphragm control, lens Helios 44-3.

Serial number: 9313009, Omega, No diaphragm control.

Serial number: 9318470, EBay

(Click to enlarge)

Created by RCCCUK on 4/10/2010 7:12:20 AM   |   Last Edited by Omega on 8/10/2023 11:56:56 AM   Revision History  
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