The Supa-2 timer can be used both as an enlarger timer or process timer. It has a four digit LED display which counts down from a preset time. The maximum time is 9999 seconds. A switch allows a more accurate count to 999.9 seconds. The four large switches below the display are used to set the four digits. The mains plug incorporates two sockets, one straight through for a safelight and the other is switched by the timer for an enlarger. A selector switch can be set so that at the end of the time the timer either switches the socket on or off or sounds a buzzer. A table on the back of the timer converts seconds to minutes.
David Tomlinson.
(Click to enlarge)
Created by RCCCUK on 5/10/2011 2:55:51 AM | Last Edited by RCCCUK on 5/10/2011 3:15:39 AMRevision History