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Still Cameras > FED 5 > FED 5
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This camera was a cosmetic redesign of the FED-4. Although there was very little change to the overall camera it looks much better than its' predecessor. The meter is very well integrated into the top deck with the rewind knob now in the center of the meter dial. The camera also has a hot shoe as well as a flash jack. The few variations existing, the export model and the 1980 Moscow Games.

Produced: 1977-1990

Development of the Fed-4 (b), but with specifications of the Fed-5B. Retractable rewind knob. Lens I-61L/D 2.8/55.

Black letters on the white face plate or vice versa.

Original price (in year 1986) 77 roubles. (

What interesting is that the I61 L/D lens use radioactive Lanthane glass coating, spurring quite a scare in western community with "Radioactive FEDs". But when measured with a radiation meter, the actual radiation given off by these lens is less than the background radiation. (Vladislav Kern)
(Click to enlarge)

Created by Vlad on 8/19/2007 5:57:48 PM   |   Last Edited by julio1fer on 5/16/2008 7:32:43 PM   Revision History  
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