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Photo Equipment & Accessories > Films & Plates > 35mm FujiFilm 100 made for FSU
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35mm FujiFilm 100 made for FSU

Fuji-film made 35mm film specially for Russia and Ukraine. On the boxes you can see both Russian and Ukrainian signs. Very interesting artifact that Japanese company produced film in European Union to sell in Former Russian Republics. By that time both major USSR film producers SVEMA and TASMA was stop making film. They never catch up to make good quality, or big quantity color film. Market was wide open for Fuji. But not for long. Digital photography was already knocking on the door.

Expiration date on the boxes October 2002.

UPS code 8712928116541.

10 boxes bonded together in one pack.

(Click to enlarge)

Created by okynek on 9/23/2011 8:36:56 PM   |   Last Edited by okynek on 9/23/2011 9:00:12 PM   Revision History  
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