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Still Cameras > FED 2 > FED-2 Preseries / prototype
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FED-2 Preseries / prototype

Name: „ФЭД-2“
Producer: FED
Frame size: 24x36
Lens: Fed 3.5/50.
Shutter: 1/25s, 1/50s, 1/100s, 1/250s, 1/500 + B.

Stamped rangefinder window and interesting slider switch for film rewind release on the back side. Based on my research and information given by USSRPhoto forum users I would position the camera between F110 and F111 type seen in the Princelle's book. Film rewind and shutter cocking buttons are higher than the ones of the F110 while the film release button is not visible on the photo. However, F111 has film rewind release lever around the shutter release button. There may be differences in rangefinder window shape from F110 as well.

The preseries model PE0350 shown on the shows different style of shutter speed selector arrow engraving, different rewind and shutter cocking knobs and film rewind release around the shutter release button.

Please note that on the photos of the camera the shutter release button is stuck, the accessory shoe screws are too long and there is a focus locking button missing on the lens. The previous owner tried to repair the camera a while ago and lost some screws.

My guess based on the Princelle's book would be that the camera was made between 1950 and 1952.

Known serial numbers:

#000004 Ziga Cetrtic coll.

(Click to enlarge)

Created by zcetrt on 11/30/2014 2:13:21 AM   |   Last Edited by zcetrt on 11/30/2014 2:43:54 AM   Revision History  
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