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History, Documents & Ephemera > Publications and and Books > From Russia with a Click
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From Russia with a Click

An attempt to classify some important Russian Cameras
Albino Pegorari & Claudio Asquini
A Novacon International Edition

In this book we try to classifying FED 1, FED-ZORKI, ZORKI 1, KIEV 47, 48, 2-3-4-5 models and we explain features of SPORT, VOOMP, TSVVS and LENINGRAD.

For the first time we can see KIEV III JENA, probably the transition model between German CONTAX and Russian KIEV productions through study of two samples.

149 pages, more than 300 high quality b/w images, with Italian and English text, book is available in CD-ROM .pdf file. For further info and order, please

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Created by Vlad on 8/21/2007 3:25:06 PM   |   Last Edited by Vlad on 3/1/2011 7:12:49 PM   Revision History  
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