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Still Cameras > MMZ / BelOMO - Other > Estafeta
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The Estafeta is a 6x6 medium format camera, it uses standard 120 film. The camera has a rigid metal body and a collapsible lens/shutter. It pops out loudly when the lock button is pressed (located on the top cover).
Production was begun at Lomo in Leningrad and transfered to Minsk after the first small production run.
The Lomo versions are very rare and have a better finish.

Name: „Эстафета“
Producer: MMZ
Frame size: 6x6 cm
Lens: Triplet-35 4/75
Shutter: 1/8, 1/15, 1/30, 1/60, 1/125, 1/250 and B

Quantity: ± 9.000 units


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Created by AidasCams on 8/21/2007 5:46:52 PM   |   Last Edited by Lenny on 5/22/2016 1:46:39 AM   Revision History  
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