In 1962 Smena producer GOMZ became LOOMP
(Leningradskoje objedinenije optiko-mehanicheskich predprijatij).
Need to mention, that LOOMP name as rule wasn‘t used for camera markings and such cameras with LOOMP markings are quite rare. Only in 1965 Smena producer received permanent and very well-known name „LOMO“
(Leningradskoje optiko-mechanicheskoje objedinenije).
Smena-5 camera designed to use thermoplastic instead of bakelite.
Lens T-42 with GOMZ logo, serial number under shutter housing.
Strap lugs on body (few without lugs).
Sunshade reverses on lens to provide protection (few without screw to use the hood as protection).
Very seldom to meet camera.
In 1961 the price for a Smena-5 was 9 rubel.
Produced: 1961-1962
Name: „Смена-5“
Producer: GOMZ-LOOMP
Lens: Triplet-42 5.6/40
Shutter: 1/30, 1/60, 1/125, 1/250 and B
Aperature: 5.6 to 16, some to 22
Production: up to 150.000
Known serial numbers:
001067 SovietCams
001775 SovietCams
001891 Juhani
002609 molotok
003766 Nikitin
005470 fotoua type 1
005847 SovietCams
011210 fotoua type 2
014313 fotoua
015622 molotok 2009
018339 Juhani
022623 Juhani
023157 SovietCams
029502 fotoua type 3a
034963 Nikitin
035231 fotoua/Mamaevskiy
036081 molotok
041966 Juhani
051835 David Tomlinson
051871 Vladislav Kern
055998 eBay
064267 Juhani _____________ lost Smena-5 logo
067755 fotoua/Lyamin
074231 fotoua type 4
075884 SovietCams
076909 SovietCams
084408 Juhani
090101 fotoua type 3b
094651 SovietCams
096520 fotoua/Dronov
097698 newauction _________ CCCP, lost Smena-5 logo
106212 fotomuda
107531 fotoua type 5
127454 molotok
135887 aukro
144654 molotok 2015 _______ lost Smena-5 logo