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Photo Equipment & Accessories > Finders > FED 90 Degree Finder
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FED 90 Degree Finder

This is an unusual and rare 90 degree finder for the FED cameras. It was made in the 1930's by the FED commune.
The finder allows to compose picture while holding the camera perpendicularly. A pivoted mirrored window (see rear view) makes it possible to use a rangefinder. I believe there was a Leica accessory of this design, and it was copied by the Russians.
Known serial numbers:
# _________ owner/source ________ remarks
903 _______ eBay
904 _______ A.Berry
1315 ______ David Tomlinson
1812 ______ Avto Metreveli
1967 ______ imcphoto
2053 ______ Fed book (1939)
2404 ______ Communist cameras
2993 ______ ebay _______________ leather case, photos 2, 3, 4
3672 ______ eBay
3957 ______ David Tomlinson
3991 ______ ebay
4453 ______ Michel's coll. _________ with box
5456 ______ eBay
6032 ______ Christian G. (Niko80)
6108 ______ Avto Metreveli
6171 ______
6682 ______ Fotomuda
7010 ______ SovietCams
7555 ______ eBay
7740 ______ eBay
8138 ______ eBay
8516 ______ Michel's coll. _________ incomplete
8749 ______ Michel's coll.
8789 ______ Leica shop
9256 ______ eBay
9263 ______ eBay
9758 ______ eBay
9884 ______ eBay
9987 ______ eBay
10495 _____ geoffox23
10778 _____ Westlicht auction#29 lot#257
11623 _____ Molotok
12077 _____ Chris Sabine
12145 _____ eBay
12358 _____ eBay
13362 _____ eBay
13484 _____ eBay
13594 _____ eBay
14718 _____ eBay
14838 _____ PYC
14909 _____ Jacques M.
15662 _____ eBay
15981 _____ eBay
16016 _____ eBay
100411 ____ PYC ____________ # confirmed, one digit seems to be doubled
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Created by Vlad on 9/23/2007 11:11:49 AM   |   Last Edited by Aleksandrov66 on 4/4/2018 10:35:03 AM   Revision History  
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