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Still Cameras > KMZ - Zenit > Zenit 6
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Zenit 6

The only differences between this camera and the Zenit-4 are the labeling and the standard lens. The Rubin-1 zoom lens was available as an accessory for the Zenit-4 but standard on the Zenit-6. The Zenit-6 came in a large black leather case which had no markings. The camera fit in the case with the lens down. The case had a compartment on each side for accessories. There were a yellow and an orange filter, a cable release, a lens cap, an accessory shoe and a waist level finder provided as standard accessories. Voigtlander Bessamatic lense are compatible.

Produced: 1964-1968
Name: „Зенит-6“
Producer: KMZ
Frame size: 24x36
Lens: Vega-3 2.8/50.
Rubin-1 2.8/37-80.
Shutter: 1s-1/500s + B.

Quantity: 8.930 units. (

Interestingly enough most were engraved in English, perhaps in anticipitation of foreign sales! Nathan Dayton

# 6800291, Lens # 8868. Omega

# 6801304, Lens # 0340. David Tomlinson

(Click to enlarge)

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Created by Vlad on 11/19/2007 10:36:54 PM   |   Last Edited by RCCCUK on 5/29/2013 7:44:41 AM   Revision History  
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