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Movie Cameras > KMZ > Krasnogorsk 1
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Krasnogorsk 1

First atempt to built a professinal and advanved amateur movie camera. KMZ did already made military 35mm movie cameras like AKS-1 and AKS-4 copies of Bell&Howell Eyemo and Arriflex respectively Krasnogorsk 1 came with three interchangeable lenses MIR-11 (2.2/12.5mm), VEGA-7 (2/20mm), VEGA-9(2.1/50mm), spring driven mechanics with variable speeds: 8, 12, 16, 24, 32, 48 frame/sec Its mechanics is a mized of solutions of the Bell&Howell Filmo 70 and Paillard Bolex H16 reflex having the better of them and adding a through the lens exposure meter.
Subsequent models vary technically only on objectives which are special zoom ones.
This first model although requires specially owner pre- loaded rafid change cassetes as shown in the last picture, The shown model dates from 1968 but its introduction dates from 1965.
(Click to enlarge)

Created by Luiz Paracampo on 12/19/2007 4:35:54 PM   |   Last Edited by Luiz Paracampo on 12/22/2007 11:35:16 AM   Revision History  
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