This is a film/photo camera. The single chasis contains still camera on one end side and movie camera on the other.
Still camera specs:
T-22 4.54cm lens in a ZT shutter with B, 1/10s - 1/200s
Movie camera:
Battery powered electric motors
2.8/10mm lens (source Princelle 2nd edition)
(Photo from collection of Viktor Suglob) This interesting and unique camera was first disclosed in the “Western World” in 1960 through the photography section of the French magazine “Science et Vie” as one of the interesting conquest of the Soviet people. In the same issue there was shown a translated “Sovietskoe Foto” article of how to built yourself an stereo camera with twin “Glued Smenas”. This “Yanus” camera is built with an own body inbuilting mechanical components of both “Smena-3” 35mm camera and “Sport-2” 8mm movie camera. Both can be seen in our Wiki catalog , respectively at:
Smena 3 and