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Member Articles & Blogs > Collectors and Collections > Alain BERRY
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Born in 1943.
I live in the center of France, in the Loire valley near main king's castles (Welcome to everyone ;-).
Collecting soviets cameras whith my wife , Claire (i know , i know ..i am a lucky collector ;-) ! ).
Our first soviet camera was bought in Finlande in 1992 , during summer vacations,. this camera (a common Zorki) was the begining of a large collection after meeting Jean Loup Princelle and Jacques Daniel (main old collector in f.s.u. cameras here). After what we helped ,as many other collectors, JLP for his second edition bible.
Then i wrote some articles in a French collectors magazine about soviets cameras (Lubitel, Voomp, Almaz etc...).

To day retired , my main job was Audiovisual School leader during 30 years (teaching photography , sound and video for young teachers, and also making historicals educational movies for school)
In spite of a stupid sly hillness, i spend time in handcraft, mechanic on my old MG car, building camping cars etc...

Edit (Vladislav Kern): Alain Berry had passed away in 2010, we will miss him dearly.

photo 1 : whith JL Princelle in a Paris foto fair
photo 2 : sunny day in a MG trip
photo 3 :Claire and me
photo 4 : jacques Daniel and me , talking about a mystery camera...

(Click to enlarge)

Created by mermoz37 on 5/12/2008 10:45:59 AM   |   Last Edited by Jacques M. on 3/22/2012 1:28:29 PM   Revision History  
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