The Fed-Sport is an imaginative adaptation of a 1940s FED camera. The original base-plate has been removed and a new one incorporating a trigger-wind mechanism has been added. In addition the top-plate has been re-engraved with the FED-Sport logo, serial number and hammer & sickle. These also appear on the front of the new base-plate. The trigger-wind is well engineered and does the job that it was designed to do. Its creation though was probably for the collectors' market rather than for the photographer as the modification appears to have been made in the late 1980s.
Latest information suggests that the FED-Sport was designed and made by Igor Bajanov. About 70 units were made.
David Tomlinson.
Known examples of Fed Sport cameras:
# cam_______lens______owner/source____________Shutter
0044________2/50______Jacques M.______________1/1000th