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I am an Soviet and Russian camera collector residing in State of Illinois, USA. I have only somewhat recently started collecting (since May 2007) these fine examples of Soviet and Russian mechanical engineering and design that until late 80s have been closed off to the rest of the world. Now that these cameras have come to light, I want to share them with all of you. Recently I have decided to start cataloging Soviet and Russian cameras online, thus the project was born, which is a Wiki catalog of Russian and Soviet cameras.
Vlad's Soviet/Russian Photographic Equipment Collection

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Vlad's Description
Body Serial #:
Lens Serial #:

Wiki Catalog Entry
Yunior(Junior) Photographic Kit

A very interesting kit made for children with educative purposes. Made by LOMO at the ‘80s. it is composed of a camera body with film advance mechanics, a triplet objective, a shutter, a doublet loupe, two empty cassetes for film reespooling, a base with column, a low voltage light source, connecting parts, screws and a screw driver. Everything contained in a case.

With such device, One can build:

a Camera,

a Slide or Negative Viewer,

a 1:1 Reproduction Device,

a Copy Stand,

an Enlarger,

a Projector,

a Magnifying Loupe for Inspection (
Wiki Catalog Images

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