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 European seller for "From Russia with a click"?

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pkrpkr Posted - Apr 16 2024 : 10:17:36 AM
Anyone know a European source for this book (or the CD-ROM) by Albino Pegorari and Claudio Asquini?
I saw David Tomlinson in the UK sold it in the past but that was long ago and I wonder if he still can be reached?
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
pkrpkr Posted - May 31 2024 : 01:45:37 AM
Originally posted by Luiz Paracampo

I will follow any notice.

Thank you!
Luiz Paracampo Posted - May 30 2024 : 4:31:20 PM
I'm searching for it.
I saw one sold last november very near from me.
I will follow any notice.
pkrpkr Posted - May 30 2024 : 02:05:37 AM
Originally posted by Luiz Paracampo

I have some brand new books still on my stock. It will be economic and safe only if sold in some amounts.
In the past I sold some individually and people received them tear-out
Really I cannot say how many I still have But I should inform you next week

Did you find any Luiz?
Luiz Paracampo Posted - Apr 19 2024 : 6:55:30 PM
Go to: http://www.novacon.com.br/asqtot.htm . Click on the camera names ans see a little description about them.
perkinsmg Posted - Apr 19 2024 : 12:16:28 PM
Do you have more information about this book? I haven't come across it.
pkrpkr Posted - Apr 19 2024 : 10:33:38 AM
I'm in The Netherlands Luiz.
Kind regards,
Luiz Paracampo Posted - Apr 18 2024 : 2:50:30 PM
Mr pkr pkr Please say me where are you from?
pkrpkr Posted - Apr 17 2024 : 09:47:00 AM
Thank you Luiz!
Luiz Paracampo Posted - Apr 16 2024 : 6:45:54 PM
I have some brand new books still on my stock. It will be economic and safe only if sold in some amounts.
In the past I sold some individually and people received them tear-out
Really I cannot say how many I still have But I should inform you next week

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