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 S-13 Photo Machine Gun Camera

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RCCCUK Posted - Jul 08 2009 : 09:36:05 AM
Can anyone tell me anything about this S-13 camera? You will see that it is designated C-13-300-100-0C (S-13-300-100-0S) and it is fitted with a FS-2 f/4.5 300mm lens. The FS-2 is in cyrillic, so I assume that the lens is Russian, but is the camera, which is similar to the one in the Wiki Catalog, Russian or Czech? There are no manufacturers marks on the camera or lens.

FS-2 marking on lens barrel

S-13 camera + FS-2 lens

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fedka Posted - Jul 12 2009 : 12:14:59 PM
I have this small piece here:


RCCCUK Posted - Jul 09 2009 : 02:37:50 AM
Many thanks to all of you for the information. I have added the picture to the S-13 entry in the Wiki Catalog.

Vlad Posted - Jul 08 2009 : 3:11:51 PM
David, would you be so kind to add it to Wiki as well? Thanks!

sovietcam Posted - Jul 08 2009 : 2:10:47 PM
hi david

this camera comes from komz. a new version of c-13 ( not similar old c-13 ). lens for this camera is your fs-2 and a new version of a 100mm lens.this camera gives with komz logo and without. gives in black, grey and green.
all c-13 cameras are for russian air force. export version s-13.
czech version can you see in wiki (s-13). have letter and serial number.
this camera is mounted in a camera pod ( see wiki ) for mig-21,23, su-15 (2. generation airplanes) and over the rocket launcher mi-24. i have not seen a c-13-300 in a airplane.

regards, mike
James McGee Posted - Jul 08 2009 : 12:31:49 PM
Hello David,
This camera is definately Russian. I bought one of these cameras whilst I was working in Tashkent. I still have the lens (serial No 690399), but unfortunately the camera was confiscated by customs at Tashkent airport when I was on one of my return trips to the UK.
The camera that I had was marked differently to the C13, I can't now remember what the markings said, but all markings were in cyrillic. It's possible to attach different lenses to the camera and it works from a 27 volt supply.
Best wishes to all, Jim
Vlad Posted - Jul 08 2009 : 10:11:23 AM
Hi David,

these cameras were produced by KOMZ and exported to Czechoslovakia, so even if it has Czech writing on it from what I understand they are still Russian made... very interesting variation with FS-2 mounted, I know they made quite a few of the FS-2 lenses with various mounts so I guess the aerial is one of the applications... there cameras are flight exercise cameras usually, made to record the progress of the exercise I guess to analyze later. The FS-2 I guess points to use in certain type of aircraft meant to simulate maybe longer range guided missiles possibly?

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