This is one of the earliest helios, never produced serially. In addition to the GOI Helios 75mm 1.35, prototypes were made with a focal length of 50mm and 100mm with an aperture of f1.35. As well as 50, 75 and 100mm f2.0, which are prototypes of next PO, Ж, OKS and other f2.0 cinema lenses. I did not manage to find other GOI lenses f1.35 neither in Russia nor abroad (I checked all possible forums, databases, social networks, collectors, auctions, etc.).
According to the most probable version, the lens is made as an analogue of the German lens for shooting films of Carl Zeiss Biotar 7cm 1.4 1929. I adapted the lens for shooting on a full frame canon.
I would like to know if there is information about other GOI lenses f1.35 or f2.0 and what is the approximate cost of such a lens when it is sold at auction?
Really, I am astonished too by the bokeh. The misty halo around the children is fantastic...
Thanks, Lexx!
Glad you liked how this lens shoots. That's why I don’t know whether to sell it, I own it for a year now and don’t dare to do it. Although if the lens is in a decent and well-known collection, I will also be pleased because I don't use it often, it’s mostly stored in a box.