T O P I C R E V I E W |
xya |
Posted - Nov 04 2023 : 3:49:43 PM This is a wonderful forum with plenty of valuable information and rare data bases. But obviously there are too few to contribute (includes me, shame on me). On the other hand a forum with no newer messages will not attract new visitors. Often it's a month without any message and then there are quite some within days. I have a look nearly every day and then I pass on...
So how about pushing the dates up with this thread every 2 weeks? I would be happy to take on this task. What do you think about it?
www.a7camera.com www.120folder.com www.instantphoto.eu www.135compact.com www.oddcameras.com www.subcompactcam.com |
45 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Valkir1987 |
Posted - Dec 30 2024 : 3:31:06 PM Wishing you all the best for 2025
Just wanted to share a photo taken with a Fed 28mm too, just as dreamy I suppose!
Jacques M. |
Posted - Dec 27 2024 : 08:26:18 AM quote:
Jacques, is that your garden? Looks really nice. Ulrich
Alas no. It's in Lothringen where I had holidays some time ago. I love the garden and the dreamy look given by the 28mm Fed lens...
Amitiés. Jacques. |
uwittehh |
Posted - Dec 26 2024 : 4:25:57 PM Merry X-Mas and a happy new year to all!
Jacques, is that your garden? Looks really nice.
http://fotos.cconin.de |
seany65 |
Posted - Dec 26 2024 : 4:24:26 PM I'm a bit late for the Christmas thing, but I'd like to wish everyone a happy new Year. |
Jacques M. |
Posted - Dec 26 2024 : 10:24:11 AM My turn to wish everybody a happy new year 2025, if possible in a quieter world...
 http://www.ussrphoto.com/UserContent2/26122024_Fed 28mm 6 001.jpg
(Fed S + Fed 4,5/28mm)
Amitiés à tous. Jacques. |
cedricfan |
Posted - Dec 25 2024 : 02:19:50 AM  http://www.ussrphoto.com/UserContent2/25122024_Xmas24.jpg
Best regards, Juhani |
xya |
Posted - Dec 24 2024 : 2:29:33 PM It's time to wish a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all the members of the forum. May health, luck and peace be on the list for 2025!
www.a7camera.com www.120folder.com www.instantphoto.eu www.135compact.com www.oddcameras.com www.subcompactcam.com |
seany65 |
Posted - Dec 08 2024 : 7:12:06 PM I don't use social media either. I don't post a great deal on here, partly because I tend to get a bit "carried away" with other forums or researching things I want to buy and generally being easily distracted, but mostly because I only have two pieces of Soviet gear: one Fed 3A and one Industar 26M. I have in the past owned or thought of buying other Soviet gear (previously owned: several each of Zorki 4k, Fed 2, Fed 4, one Lubitel 166B and one Lomo blik. Thought of buying: one or other of the "improved" Kiev88 cameras), but almost all of what I have now is not allowed to be mentioned here. I also have little knowledge of Soviet cameras etc., consequently I don't really have very much of value to contribute, unless you count saying Hello to new members. |
Elmar Lang |
Posted - Nov 27 2024 : 02:21:03 AM Hello,
I'm not a very active contributor to this Forum, I need to say.
But also, I don't have Facebook or any other social-media account, besides whatsapp, to quickly keep in touch with family, friends etc.
This specialized Forum with its branches is an invaluable source either to the beginner or to advanced enthusiast and collector of cameras and optical equipment from the former USSR.
I've been a systematic collector of these cameras since when as an exchange student I moved to Warsaw in 1986. I had with me my Kiev-4A purchased in Venice in my early teens and my "advanced" 35mm. reflex, the Praktica B-200E.
Then, from 1989 onwards, most of Italy's flea markets were full of optical equipment from the former socialist countries, where I've avidly bought (often for nearly nothing), pieces that satisfied my collector's ambitions.
In the early 2000s, I've decided to part with most of the collection, keeping for myself just what remembered some "adventure", or common friends. The passion remained though, and this forum is my main source of information and research.
In the last 15 years, I've started to buy again ex-USSR cameras and accessories, mainly of the Kiev brand, or panoramic cameras (I've contributed, here, to the discussion re. the Horizon 205-PC.
Thanks to this Forum and the enthusiasm of who keeps it alive, anyone with specific interests, can find a precious place, like a living museum with library and archives...
A warm thank you from Italy,
Enzo |
uwittehh |
Posted - Nov 17 2024 : 5:31:06 PM Vlad, thanks. I agree with Jacques, I'm not a big user of social media either. It's nice that the thread is open again. I also have some new additions that don't need to have their own thread. And if it gets too big we'll open a second one like it :-)
http://fotos.cconin.de |
Jacques M. |
Posted - Nov 13 2024 : 04:09:05 AM Thanks, Vlad, to keep this site opened, and to have unlocked the thread "just arrived..."! I have several cameras to put on it, in some days... I cannot completely follow you when you say that everybody is on social media now. Probably a question of generation. I must admit that my future is behind me 
Amitiés. Jacques. |
xya |
Posted - Nov 12 2024 : 2:34:24 PM Thank you Jacques, for laying your finger on one of these problems and thank you Vlad, for your immediate solution. There are quite some cameras to report. And yes, thank you so much for keeping this site working.
Seen from Cologne, Germany, there is much hope. Within one year we have seen 5 (!) new shops for analog photography opening in the center of our town and it seems as if they all make their living. People here seem to turn away from big social media towards smaller communities. All of these shops have a bunch of fans around them and it's a pleasure to dicuss with them and a good opportunity to pass information from the old like me to the young.
Russian cammeras will be part of it.
www.a7camera.com www.120folder.com www.instantphoto.eu www.135compact.com www.oddcameras.com www.subcompactcam.com |
Vlad |
Posted - Nov 12 2024 : 1:59:38 PM Jacques you got your wish, I unlocked that thread I didn't realize it was such a problem..
in terms of interest, everyone is on social media now, this site became mostly an archive, I am grateful for the posts though. It was never about making any money on it, in fact it actually costs a decent amount to keep it up, ads only cover maybe 5-10% of it, but I'll keep it up as long as it serves purpose, I think information on the forum here is invaluable thanks to everyone's knowledge and posts over the years!
Best regards, Vlad |
Jacques M. |
Posted - Nov 12 2024 : 05:27:32 AM My suggestion would be to reopen the thread "just arrived in my collection", with a new warning by Vlad, if necessary. I bought several cameras since it was closed, but none of them would deserve a special thread... So, I didn't write anything...
Thanks, Reinhard, to push up!
Amitiés. Jacques. |
Luiz Paracampo |
Posted - Nov 11 2024 : 5:48:22 PM my first suggestion is to reopen the camera wiki section because no news, no readers |
Luiz Paracampo |
Posted - Nov 11 2024 : 5:19:55 PM it seems a lost interest from members Something of importanc must be made in order to revival ofsmembersor campaign for new ones I callmemberber inviting them for new ideas or new influences Lets go ahead
Regards |
xya |
Posted - Nov 09 2024 : 12:02:48 PM More than a month without any post. Hasn't happened for quite some time. So I push up again...
www.a7camera.com www.120folder.com www.instantphoto.eu www.135compact.com www.oddcameras.com www.subcompactcam.com |
seany65 |
Posted - Feb 17 2024 : 5:25:07 PM So, after all this time I've learned how to post photos. Thank you Luiz. :-) |
seany65 |
Posted - Feb 17 2024 : 5:23:10 PM Thank you for doing that, xva.
Spaces andBrackets are the problem? I wish I'd known, I've got it labeled "Fed 3a(5)" because as far as I can tell on the sovietcams website it's the 5th version of the 3A. I'm glad jpg's can be used as they are smaller file sizes than png's.
I'll try one more time:
xya |
Posted - Feb 17 2024 : 04:11:50 AM another try
 http://www.ussrphoto.com/UserContent2/1722024_1622024_myfed3a1.png So you can keep the .png, but no spaces and no brackets in the name. I tried all possibilities, just to know.
www.a7camera.com www.120folder.com www.instantphoto.eu www.135compact.com www.oddcameras.com www.subcompactcam.com |
xya |
Posted - Feb 16 2024 : 12:49:37 PM You have to post a correct name, preferably a .JPG. No spaces and no brackets in the name. I downloaded your image, gave it a new name and uploaded it. Here it is, so you finally were successful
www.a7camera.com www.120folder.com www.instantphoto.eu www.135compact.com www.oddcameras.com www.subcompactcam.com
seany65 |
Posted - Feb 16 2024 : 12:19:08 PM I'll try again, this time having saved the photo as a png in a different photo processing program:
 http://www.ussrphoto.com/UserContent2/1622024_my fed 3a(5) 1.png
Nope. I think I'll give it up as a bad job.
seany65 |
Posted - Feb 16 2024 : 12:14:41 PM Thanks for the info. I'll try it now.
Here's my Fed 3a(5):
 http://www.ussrphoto.com/UserContent2/1622024_my fed 3a(5) 1.png
AAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHH!  Still won't do it!
Luiz Paracampo |
Posted - Feb 08 2024 : 07:49:24 AM Seany65 You must open picture save it again as png and send it as png . It will load correctly Regards
seany65 |
Posted - Feb 07 2024 : 6:56:37 PM Luiz, Thanks for the info. However, as far as I can tell I'm not posting "zippered" photos. I'm clicking on "upload image" next to this reply box and navigating to the jpeg photo in my "pics to up" folder.
Hmmm, it's just occurred to me that by "zippered" you may mean thumbnails!
I'll get to the photo of my fed 3a, open it with "Windows Picture and fax viewer", then copy and paste the pic below this writing.
I've just found the "copy" command in the right mouse click menu and clicked on it and tried to paste here, but nothing happened. |
Luiz Paracampo |
Posted - Jan 23 2024 : 05:39:04 AM Seany you are posting zippered photos they do not load correctly Open a blank image copy and glue at the new opened support, Now images go correctly.
seany65 |
Posted - Jan 22 2024 : 1:53:42 PM Yes, I'll have another go:
 http://www.ussrphoto.com/UserContent2/2212024_my fed 3a(5) 1.jpg
Nope, didn't work. I had thought that may be the trouble was that I'd deleted the photo I'd originally uploaded from my "pics to upload" folder, but I've just done the same method as the previous try and the photo is still in my "pics to upload" folder.
I am using an "old" windows version, (not 3.1, 95, 98, 98se, ME or 7,8,9) so perhaps that's the problem? I'd try uploading the pic to "imagebam"but they often have naughty adverts even when you click on "family friendly" for the image type. |
xya |
Posted - Jan 12 2024 : 12:35:03 PM Hi,
it hasn't worked yet, so please try again...
www.a7camera.com www.120folder.com www.instantphoto.eu www.135compact.com www.oddcameras.com www.subcompactcam.com |
seany65 |
Posted - Jan 10 2024 : 6:08:39 PM Thanks xva. I'll try it now:
 http://www.ussrphoto.com/UserContent2/1012024_my fed 3a(5) 1.jpg
Hmmm, Is it supposed to come up as a link? Anyway it's my Fed 3A(5*).
*= From my understanding of the list on "sovietcams" .
xya |
Posted - Dec 17 2023 : 1:06:17 PM It's easy. If you are logged in, look at the left margin of the "quick reply" case at the bottom. There is a link "upload image". If you click on it, you can choose any image on your computer. We wait for your first image... ;-)
www.a7camera.com www.120folder.com www.instantphoto.eu www.135compact.com www.oddcameras.com www.subcompactcam.com |
seany65 |
Posted - Dec 16 2023 : 4:36:39 PM Thanks for the info, Vlad.
xva, I still don't know how to post photos on this forum, lol. |
Jacques M. |
Posted - Dec 01 2023 : 03:37:06 AM Certainly, my life of retirement would have been very different if I had not met Alain Berry, then USSRphoto. I owe much to both. All my thanks, Vlad. And thanks for maintaining your site that I still use almost daily... Of course, it would be great that somebody takes the stick...
Amitiés. Jacques. |
fedka |
Posted - Nov 30 2023 : 1:27:42 PM Vlad, Thank you for hosting this. I am still not into FB and such, and this forum is my main source of knowledge. I also refer people to it when I can't answer their questions. We have the best experts here. As for the hosting package - it is fully adequate. I just hope it will remain compatible with your web hosting.
xya |
Posted - Nov 30 2023 : 11:56:07 AM Thank you Vlad, for your perseverance (and your support). Yes, the information on this forum is worth to be kept. All those interested will find it sooner or later. And they will be grateful that it is still there...
www.a7camera.com www.120folder.com www.instantphoto.eu www.135compact.com www.oddcameras.com www.subcompactcam.com |
Vlad |
Posted - Nov 30 2023 : 08:57:21 AM Sean, I think this is only somehow happening to Luiz, it's possible something related to his local setup, you do have to login from time to time as cookies expire in your browser. And yes it is a very old forum software package, I added the image functionality myself as it didn't even have one, all this was 15 years ago and it's all very outdated. Unfortunately with the amount of interaction we are getting I don't think investing hundreds of hours into rewriting this forum onto something more modern is worth it anymore.. I'm just willing to maintain it and pay for hosting for archival purposes, if someone wants to volunteer their time to rewrite it I'm all for it, will even help, as personally I just don't have that time anymore..
Best regards, Vlad. |
xya |
Posted - Nov 29 2023 : 2:06:54 PM There are 2 different things here. On this forum I have to log in anew from time to time, but that's easy. It's the Russian forums, stored in Russia, that are either blocked or they delete inscriptions. There you have to re-register...
And no, no difficulties to post photos here, it's as easy as on Photrio or others.
www.a7camera.com www.120folder.com www.instantphoto.eu www.135compact.com www.oddcameras.com www.subcompactcam.com |
seany65 |
Posted - Nov 28 2023 : 6:26:19 PM So, a lot of members have to keep re-registering? This is rather odd, I've never had to re-register in all of the time I've been a member. I can that would be a big problem.
Could a small part of the problem of few posts/few new members be caused by it being rather difficult to post photos and it not being clear that when we send PM's we're actually sending emails to members outside email addresses?
I'm on another forum and in the years I've been a member they've always had a lot of posts, and a lot of photos. Mind you, it's a very wide-ranging forum, going from large format, through medium format, 35mm, 110, instant, digital etc. I don't think there's a type of camera that they don't talk about. Then there's the darkroom stuff and the wide range of photographic subjects and everything in between and to the side edtc. so It's bound to have more posts. |
Luiz Paracampo |
Posted - Nov 08 2023 : 10:32:16 AM Regrettable... There is always someone to seed and promote ignorance World around. I did to re register again some minutes after the previous post
Vlad |
Posted - Nov 08 2023 : 10:20:25 AM VK is blocked for traffic from United States and my account was deleted.. |
Luiz Paracampo |
Posted - Nov 08 2023 : 10:16:00 AM See: My last post was at 05 November Today is 09 and again it was needed to register myself. coming nto the discussion I agree with all reasons exposed, although I see a continous activity at "Starie fotoapparat VK" independently from all reasons. Although not dealing with strictly with Russian cameras, there are a lot of information there some of them surprising to me who believed knowing a large amount of information. I had ther seen some posts from Vlad. Although this forum is in Russian language there is no problem in follow it through translate programs. One can see that from this lifted problem we began to manifest ourselves to give a new life to this forum . Regards to all and a renaissance of our discussions. |
uwittehh |
Posted - Nov 07 2023 : 4:44:10 PM Well, yes, I also think that social media has nearly killed the forum. See other text based media like the Usenet or IRC, they are nearly dead.
xya, to keep informed about activity here I have a filter in my E-Mail program which moves mails from the forum to a special folder. So there is no need to look here every day :-)
Vlad, many thanks that you keep the forum alive. I like it very much. There is nothing comparable specially for USSR cameras with so many experts and collectors from all over the world.
http://fotos.cconin.de |
Vlad |
Posted - Nov 07 2023 : 2:02:59 PM Hello everyone,
social media has killed activity on this forum a number of years ago, regardless I keep this site active for at least archival purposes. I appreciate the efforts and as long as I'm around I'll keep this site alive!
Best regards, Vlad |
Jacques M. |
Posted - Nov 05 2023 : 10:10:50 AM I completely agree with you, Steve. On reading facebook forums, I very often think that the subjects would be better examined on USSRphoto, with a format which makes discussion much easier.
That said, I am not far from 80 years now, and I feel a bit tired, absolutely OK with Luiz. A bit discouraged too not to find any more interesting stuff (for me) on the net. And I deeply feel the lack of most of the Russian collectors for the reasons we know...
OK with Reinhard's proposition. Thanks if that can help!
Amitiés. Jacques.
SteveA |
Posted - Nov 05 2023 : 09:18:15 AM I think part of the problem is there are equivanent forums on Facebook, which has taken contributions away from this forum. Cheers, Steve |
Luiz Paracampo |
Posted - Nov 05 2023 : 06:00:26 AM In my opinion one of greater problems is the relatively short validness of member passwords. Members suffer laziness to post. I know the reason, once our forum is severely stuck by unwanted people. The other reason is that founders became aged and lost original enthusiasm. Others are gone. Finally your affirmative is a fact that is touching me from early days. We had yet completed 15 years of life without any notice as it would be expected. I had worked in a project to enhace our forum, but its chronogram was unfavourable, perhaps some thing can be ready up to the end of this year, or the beginning of the next, but still is a project to be born, at least in the while. Let us wait to the end of 2023 -It will come soon. Every one will know our secrets.
Good luck to all.