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Vladislav Kern Vlad
4253 Posts My Collection
Posted - Jan 16 2010 : 3:19:59 PM
I have seen this camera sold at Bievres last summer by our friend Oleksandr Braslavsky. I believe Alain bought it? . It's a made for Germany export from what I understand.
Vlad |
759 Posts |
Posted - Jan 16 2010 : 7:44:37 PM
Vlad does that camera also had that crazy ring on the front and can use only Kiev 6 lenses? |
Vladislav Kern Vlad
4253 Posts My Collection
Posted - Jan 16 2010 : 7:49:00 PM
No honestly I don't remember seeing that ring.. Aidas was playing with it too maybe he remembers.. I'm fairly sure Alain bought it so maybe he can comment. It seems like that ring is a modification.. very interesting. |
BERRY alain mermoz37
814 Posts |
Posted - Jan 17 2010 : 04:37:31 AM
hello... I possess a revue 6x6 camera since long time; but not whith such a ring (seem to be a part of the lens (no ?). It look like standart Salyut /salyut C whith aluminium ring smaller than this interesting one.
759 Posts |
Posted - Jan 17 2010 : 10:42:23 AM
This ring is part of the camera. It is a lock for the lens. You put lens in and turn ring to lock it. Camera used Kiev 6 lenses. It can not use Salut lenses. Shatter button (picture 3) on the side, not on the front. The automatic aperture mechanics is totally different then on Salut:
I hope that some one possess such camera or know anything about it to confirm or deny that it was produced in some quantity. s/n of the camera 7104093
Edited by - okynek on Jan 17 2010 10:45:22 AM |
759 Posts |
Posted - Dec 22 2014 : 11:06:11 AM
I'm returning to my old post because I just got another camera of this kind, now it seems to be Kiev 88 with same kind of modifications: The lens mount is for Pentacon-6/ Kiev-6 lenses, camera new aperture control to accommodate these lenses, different shatter button, and probably more modification inside. There are some pictures of both cameras:
By serial numbers first cameras made in 1971, and second in 1995, so this modified cameras was produced for at list 24 years. First camera came from FSU strangely with Revie name, second from US seller. IMHO this is not "kitchen table" modification, the craftsmanship and material show professional work, and factory equipment involved. I could not find any references about such modifications in the books or on the Web. May be I missed something. I wonder is someone else has cameras like this, or know anything about them.
Vladislav Kern Vlad
4253 Posts My Collection
Posted - Dec 22 2014 : 1:29:42 PM
Well Revue is generally is a rebrand that was done in Germany so my guess is the camera was "perfected" with some enhancements for German market to meet the quality standards. I remember Luiz was telling us a story that he was working in a conmpany as a repairman on "perfecting" the imported to Brazil Zenits to make them certifiable for Brazillian warranty or something like that.
Cheers, Vlad. |
Guido Studer Guido
362 Posts My Collection
Posted - Dec 22 2014 : 3:01:26 PM
Hello Vlad
"Revue" was a trademark of the german warehouse brand and mail-order firm "Quelle", foundet 1927, gone down in the years before millenium and got in insolvency in 2009. The photo brand was very activ from the 50th to the 80th in the last century.
There are many Revue cameras made in Russia (USSR), ie. Revueflex (Zenit 3M), Revueflex E (Zenit E), Revueflex B (Zenit B) Revueflex EM (Zenit EM), Revue 10 (Zorki 10) from KMZ and others from other brands. Also the Revue 6x6 is such a rebranded camera. And it's not a "6-6", but a "6x6", while the dot is a mathematical symbol for multiplication, better known today as the "x" sign.
As far as I know/understand the cameras were not modified in Germany but build by the USSR factories with the different names for exportation. And I'm shure the product control was better for the export models, some say even the build quality was better for such models.
By the way it was the same in the former GDR (DDR, former east Germany) when products were made for export to the west. More than 25 years ago and the 40 years before.
Maybe it will help ... ;->
Best wishes - Guido
Luiz Paracampo Luiz Paracampo
2002 Posts My Collection
Posted - Dec 22 2014 : 9:21:43 PM
Revue as said Guido was the trademark of FotoQuelle from Neckermann-Versand who distributed several cāmeras from Japan and mainly from GDR and Russia. The metal shutterblind is na early attempt to use Zeiss jena Pentacon Six lenses because in 1971 there were only two extra lenses for Kiev 88 - Mir 3 and Tair 33. Those Pentacon six lenses were already sold by FotoQuelle and a new body could be a good start point for promoting their selling, although it did not prove as such. More recently there were Kiev 88 CM with pentacon six and Kiev Big Six also Arax presumible to be mounted in Czech wit original Ukranian parts
See a brief story on : There are others
Luiz Paracampo Luiz Paracampo
2002 Posts My Collection
Posted - Dec 22 2014 : 9:23:00 PM
Another detail Thos shown cāmera preceeds the Kiev 6 camera |
Juhani Halmeenmaki cedricfan
1022 Posts My Collection
Posted - Dec 23 2014 : 08:06:13 AM
quote: Originally posted by Guido
By the way it was the same in the former GDR (DDR, former east Germany) when products were made for export to the west. More than 25 years ago and the 40 years before.
It was also used to get two different selling channels in same country. I do remember that well: when I bought my first SLR (Zenit EM) I was also considering a Praktica LB, but as Porst, because it was cheaper tha Praktica.
Best regards, Juhani |
759 Posts |
Posted - Dec 23 2014 : 11:30:38 AM
Thank you very much for all inputs. I'm very much puzzle about mechanical changes for these cameras, in particular why, who, and where made the modifications, and how many cameras was modified. If you compare these 2 cameras with original Saluts or Kievs you can see that mechanical modifications IMHO significant enough. The lens mount rebuilt, the aperture control is redesigned, the shatter button moved from the front of the cameras to the side, which may tell about changes in chatter design. None of the cameras in the catalogs what accessible to me have any references to such modifications. And yet hard to believe that I found the only 2 cameras like this in existence. Something telling me that more cameras with such modification should exist. I do not think that these cameras are prototypes, nothing IMHO pointing to the prototypes. So who can made such changes, why they was made, where they was made. If we can find one more camera like this it would more definitely tell about some production run, until then we can only stated that exist 2 cameras with similar modifications made most likely by some factory( not necessary by Arsenal) . |
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