The Zorki-C has a taller finder to accomodate the flash sychronizer. The rewind switch is now a collar around the shutter release instead of a seperate lever. It doesn't have a self-timer. Some of camera bodies are covered with ribbed nylon instead of vulcanite and come in several colors [2].
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Produced: 1955-1958 Name: „Зоркий-C“ Producer: KMZ Frame size: 24x36. Lens: Industar-22 3.5/50. Shutter: 1/25s, 1/50s, 1/100s, 1/250s, 1/500s + B. Quantity: 472.702 units. | 
| PM1505 - Zorki-C #5500172. |
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1st version | |
PM1505. An earliest productional version of the particular camera. 1st type of engravings on the top plate (see picture below). All camera's heads have line-finish style. Short shutter knob. An earliest so far known camera has s/n #5500172 (I.Stolyar coll.).
1st type of engravings. | PM1505 - Zorki-C #5500172. |
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PM1510. Camera identical to PM1505, but with large shutter knob already. 1st type of engravings. Some cameras have markings "MADE IN USSR" on the rear plate. An earliest so far known camera has s/n #56009406 (eBay 2010).
| PM1510 - Zorki-C #56010226. |
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PM1515. Seems to be the latest type of 1st version cameras. All camera's heads have mixed finish - some of them have line-finish style, other are knurling finish style already. No otherwise different.
| PM1515 - Zorki-C #56019524. |
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2nd version | |
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PM1520. New style of engravings (see picture below). All camera's heads have line-finish style, like on early versions. Some cameras come with mixed heads (see camera #56022824). Cameras known: #56022824 (SovietCams), #56052559 (
2nd type of engravings. | PM1520 - Zorki-C #56022824. |
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PM1525. Camera identical to PM1520, but with new style of knobs. Vulcanite coverings. Some cameras can be found with "Made in USSR" markings in Cyrillic characters on the rear plate. An earliest so far known camera has s/n #56023746 (eBay 2009).
| PM1525 - Zorki-C #56075830. |
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PM1530. An anniversary camera to commemorate Youth Festival in Moscow (1957). These cameras have special "Festival" engravings on the rear plate. Vulcanite body coverings.
Camera from Yuriy Davydenko (Ukraine) collection. |  |
| PM1530 - Zorki-C #573256028. |
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PM1535. Camera identical to PM1525, but with black leather body coverings. Some cameras bearing "Made in USSR" markings in Cyrillic on the rear plate. Less common to find. An earliest so far known camera has serial number #56043732 (eBay 2008).
| PM1535 - Zorki-C #58012522. |
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PM1540. Less common to find anniversary version to commemorate "Youth Festival" in 1957. Green body coverings. Without "Festival" engravings on body, but completed with few types of very nice cardboard box with "Youth Festival" symbolics (like on picture below).
Commemorative box from Y.Davydenko coll. | PM1540 - Zorki-C #57104009. |
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PM1545. Commemorative camera again. Very uncommon white body coverings. Without "Festival" engravings on body, but completed with few types of very nice cardboard box with "Youth Festival" symbolics (like on picture below).
| PM1545 - Zorki-C #57288542. |
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3rd version | |
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PM1550. New type of engravings (see picture below). Vulcanite body coverings.
PM1555. Camera identical to PM1550, but with black leather body coverings. | 
3rd type of engravings. | PM1550 - Zorki-C #57169544. |
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PM1560. Very uncommon commemorative version of the particular camera, dedicated to the 1st Artificial Earth Sattelite. Special engravings on the rear plate (see picture below). Many fakes do exist in collections!
Camera opposite from Viktor Suglob (Belarus) collection. | |
| PM1560 - Zorki-C #57172928. |
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PM1565. An anniversary camera to commemorate Youth Festival in Moscow (1957). These cameras come with special engravings on the rear plate. Vulcanite body coverings. The most popular camera from "Festival" series.
| PM1565 - Zorki-C #57150339. |
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PM1570. Identical to PM1565, but with black leather body coverings (less common to find). Camera #57146051 opposite from Ilya Stolyar (USA) collection.
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| PM1570 - Zorki-C #57146051. |
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PM1575. Another "Festival" camera. identical to PM1565, but with different body coverings again (see picture below). The particular camera #57146232 comes with commemorative box. Camera opposite from Ilya Stolyar (USA) collection.
| PM1575 - Zorki-C #57146232. |
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