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James McGee Posted - Jan 25 2008 : 11:26:28 AM
Hi I have just joined the forum, and would like to introduce myself.
My name is Jim McGee and I have been collecting Russian cameras for the past ten years.
My home is in the UK, but I am presently working in Baku, Azerbaijan.
I have a reasonable collection made up of many Soviet cameras, but my favourite is the Fed-1 of which I have more than fifty examples, many of which are quite early, ie serial # lower than 55,000.
Looking forward to the forums, Cheers to everyone, Jim.
16   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
AidasCams Posted - Jan 26 2008 : 10:34:56 AM
Hi Jim,

Agreed! Just keep in your mind what I have one more great spare book: A.A.Syrov "Camera's way or PUT FOTOAPPARATA", issued in 1954 and must for every serious soviet camera collector! ...

Best Regards,
James McGee Posted - Jan 26 2008 : 09:06:16 AM
Hi Aidas,
That's great, I will have a think about what duplicated items I have and let you know what there is. I'm sure there will be something that you need.


AidasCams Posted - Jan 26 2008 : 06:35:37 AM
Hi Jim,
ok ... I will keep this book for you. I suppose we will contact directly to learn more about your (and mine) duplicated items for trade ...

Best Regards,
James McGee Posted - Jan 26 2008 : 02:58:17 AM
Hi Aidas,
I would certainly be interested in book especially if printed in 1938 means it can only refer to the Fed 1 and it's accessories which is great as far as I am concerned.
Please let me know what you would like in exchange, though I am in Azerbaijan at the moment and won't be home in England until the end of February.
In principle I should probably have a pretty good selection of items that you can choose from and I have many duplicated items. I know that you already have an extensive collection of your own but there is always something missing, and I will be happy to help fill in a gap if possible.
Regards, Jim
AidasCams Posted - Jan 26 2008 : 02:02:49 AM
Hi Jim,
I'm lucky to have at least 7 early books, dedicated to particular Fed-1 camera: 4 issues of D.Bunimovich (1938, 1940, 1942 (war-time edition!) and 1948, rare "Working with FED camera" by S.Svidel in 1939, and two postwar issues by Chumikin, issued in 1948-1949. This set is my favourite one!

I even have one spare book "Fed Camera" by Bunimovich, issued in 1938! (1st edition with only 10.000 copies) And it may come for swap ...

James McGee Posted - Jan 25 2008 : 11:56:14 PM
Thanks Bill,
Your little book sounds very interesting and is the kind of thing that provides us with valuable hard to find information relating to the history of Soviet cameras. I remember a recent question, (I think from Jacques) enquiring about the possible existance of a 28mm Fed finder to compliment the f4.5/28mm Fed lens. Is there any mention of this in your little book?
I have a few old Soviet photographic books, but nothing dedicated specifically to Fed, so I think you are very lucky to have found such a gem.
Regards, Jim
nightphoto Posted - Jan 25 2008 : 10:51:09 PM
Hi Jim,
Welcome to the forum. The FED-1 and FED-Zorki are my favorites as well. I think I have about 25 or 30 of them and a lot of accessories too. You are right, those accessories are hard to find and I'm glad I got the ones I did, when I did. One of my favorite FED things I have found is the little book called "KAMERA FED" by D. Bunimovitch. I am lucky to have a near-mint 1938 first edition of this book which shows photos of many of these newly released accessories for FED.
Good to have you here!

Regards, Bill

James McGee Posted - Jan 25 2008 : 10:32:53 PM
Thanks Jacques,
I'm happy to have found the forum and new friends with the same interests. Although I have other Soviet cameras the Fed 1 is very much my favourite. My collection of Fed 1's includes all variants from the Fed 1A onwards including the Berdsk and two Fed S's. I also have some Fed accessories such as the Fed exposure meter, mechanical timer, and all but one of the Fed lenses. I discovered that it was more difficult to find the accessories than the cameras, and I'm sure that the accessories are much more rare than most people realise.
I also have quite a few Zorki 1's and I have three Fed-Zorki's from 1948 and 1949 which make a nice link between the Fed's and Zorki's.
Now I looking forward to exchanging information with like minded people. I think that there is still much to discover about the mysteries of Soviet camera production.
Regards, Jim.
Jacques M. Posted - Jan 25 2008 : 5:35:49 PM

Welcome Jim!
Happy to have one more friend with whom it will be possible to speak of Fed 1!!
Fifty Fed 1 ? Eh, not bad! You are much better than me!

Amitiés. Jacques.
James McGee Posted - Jan 25 2008 : 1:21:11 PM
Thanks Aidas, and I'm very happy to be here. I just wish that I had found these Forums a long time ago.
I am particularly impressed by the level and amount of knowledge here. There are many things that I still want to learn about these cameras and the mysteries that still surround them, so to join these forums and to learn more is great.
Thanks again for your help,

Vlad Posted - Jan 25 2008 : 1:18:43 PM
Bottom right corner on the front page of the site - there is a "Contact Us" link...
AidasCams Posted - Jan 25 2008 : 1:09:37 PM

Welcome to the forum! I'm happy you already solved your problems with registering

Best Regards,
James McGee Posted - Jan 25 2008 : 12:58:20 PM
Yes Vlad, I agree that that there are some very knowledgable people on these forums. I hope that I will also be able to make some small contribution.
Speaking of knowledgeable people, I would also like to express my thanks to Aidas for his assistance in helping me to register on these forums.
Jacques had some questions regarding the Fed S, I also have a two of these cameras and can provide details when I return to the UK at the end of February.

Vlad Posted - Jan 25 2008 : 12:49:09 PM
Please do post the items in question into catalog and start forum discussions, I am sure people will dig up information about them, since as you have noticed the "Soviet collectors elite" is residing on these forums.

James McGee Posted - Jan 25 2008 : 12:43:17 PM
Thanks Vlad, I did read about jacques "Feica" and as far as I know some pre war fake Leicas were made at the Fed factory. There is an article on the internet by Oscar Fricke which mentions these cameras. If I can find the link I will post it.
I do have several Fed 1A's in my collection two of which are the galvanised versions, ie serial# below 6,000. I think the lowest serial # is around 1,700, but I can't check until I return to the UK at the end of February.
In fact I have several unusual items that I have picked up over the years and would like to know more about. For example I have a universal finder with three turrets marked TSVVS of which I can't find any information, plus other items, perhaps someone out there knows something about this and other similar puzzlers.
I will also be happy to log serial numbers of my cameras for the catalog, as one member pointed out serial numbers can provide a lot of information. Princelle is a great book, but I know that the serial numbers regarding the Fed 1 in Princelle are not accurate as I have learned from my own collection of Fed 1's.
Vlad Posted - Jan 25 2008 : 11:42:42 AM
Welcome, Jim! Azerbaijan, eh? I'm originally from Georgia so not too far from there... hehe... Maybe you can help us with that Feica camera that Jacques has. Do you have any FED 1A's in your collection? Also see this thread for more details:



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