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 Zenitar-K 50/1.9

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Poolhall Posted - Apr 22 2009 : 2:58:55 PM
Anybody know which if any Zenit Bodies this came with? They were only made for a couple of years according to the Kmz web site 1991-3 I think. Were they used for the A line of Zenits? Any help appreciated

Samsung GX-10,too many Russian Lenses, A lot of Zenit, some Yashica,and a Pentax Body also finally a Minox35GT
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Poolhall Posted - Apr 29 2009 : 06:16:13 AM
Just found a copy of the AM2 Manual on Zenit Camera Group, and apparently it could be issued with either the Zenitar 1.9k or Helios 44k

Samsung GX-10,too many Russian Lenses, A lot of Zenit, some Yashica,and a Pentax Body also finally a Minox35GT
Poolhall Posted - Apr 24 2009 : 03:38:31 AM
Well spotted I see it now thanks

Samsung GX-10,too many Russian Lenses, A lot of Zenit, some Yashica,and a Pentax Body also finally a Minox35GT
Zoom Posted - Apr 24 2009 : 02:30:21 AM
Originally posted by Poolhall

I can't remember seeing a photo of this lens on a camera, its nearly always a Helios 44k, or a Zenitar k-2.

See ZENIT-APM on that page.
cedricfan Posted - Apr 23 2009 : 12:56:07 PM
My two APKs have been with Helios.

Best regards,
Poolhall Posted - Apr 23 2009 : 12:00:08 PM
Yes thats the page, looks like production was 1990-1994, thanks for the swift replies, I can't remember seeing a photo of this lens on a camera, its nearly always a Helios 44k, or a Zenitar k-2.

Samsung GX-10,too many Russian Lenses, A lot of Zenit, some Yashica,and a Pentax Body also finally a Minox35GT
Zoom Posted - Apr 23 2009 : 09:55:05 AM
Originally posted by Poolhall

Anybody know which if any Zenit Bodies this came with? They were only made for a couple of years according to the Kmz web site 1991-3 I think. Were they used for the A line of Zenits?

You mean this page: http://www.zenitcamera.com/archive/lenses/zenitar-1-9-50.html ?
RCCCUK Posted - Apr 23 2009 : 03:07:29 AM
Hi Richard,

The Zenitar-K 50/1.9 was certainly supplied with the Zenit-APK.


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