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 Gorizont 50 Years

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Vlad Posted - May 05 2009 : 09:45:14 AM
Here's an interesting find:


Apparently these cameras existed as 50 years of october anniversary edition but only indicated on the box.

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
nightphoto Posted - May 12 2009 : 01:06:32 AM
Hi Michael,

I was just fooling around a bit and I must say, at least you know English as a second (or more) language, where I know only English and no other languages.

And, I would say many of humanity's problems are also due to nature, although most problems with cameras are due to imprecise work, poor design, and lack of correct operational procedure on the part of the operator.

Mistakes are not always so bad and evolution (not to mention art) in any form, even technical, depends on them!

To single KMZ out among the other camera makers may not be entirely fair and to my mind, the future of high quality panoramic photography, even with large size prints or murals in mind, will be with the high resolution digital cameras, computers, software, and digital ink printing, although I know that many will disagree with me!

Regards, Bill

europanorama Posted - May 11 2009 : 11:26:28 PM
right, it was/is early in the morning. and its important (not unportant) to be as precise as possible otherwise translations will result in more mistakes. btw: this was someone others statement. i am not yet wise enough.

swiss alps like never before
marspanoramas in 3d-stereo
nightphoto Posted - May 11 2009 : 10:05:31 PM
Dear Michael,

If "all the problems of humanity is based upon unprecise work." ... then I think you should write it:

"All the problems of humanity are based upon imprecise work." ;-)

Regards, Bill

europanorama Posted - May 11 2009 : 9:52:10 PM
it was just 30 year ago when my gorizon-panoramadrama began. details can be read in my forum

if you enter horizon 202 in google you will get 19 million hits. wow! i suspect due to endless discussions of non-properly working russian rotapancameras. all the problems of humanity is based upon unprecise work. i think KMZ-ZENIT has already found this out.

swiss alps like never before
marspanoramas in 3d-stereo
Vlad Posted - May 05 2009 : 4:44:11 PM
Steve I don't think this camera is any different as a camera... it seems it's just the box that has a special label.

Bull Halsey Posted - May 05 2009 : 10:36:37 AM
I don;t have my JLP book handy, but isn't this the camera JLP was holding in his picture on the back cover?


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