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 FED-2 - Another square window? Huh?

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Vlad Posted - Jul 15 2009 : 09:11:15 AM
Hello all,

I just bought a very strange camera, maybe anyone seen these before? Any info will be appreciated! Thanks!


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fedka Posted - Aug 10 2009 : 10:45:30 PM
It almost feels that they did this to make the camera look nicer, sexier. It was common in the USSR - to embellish things with decals, mods, etc. Whatever your skills or means.

Vlad Posted - Aug 10 2009 : 4:56:40 PM
Jacques - I does work fine by the way.
Vlad Posted - Aug 10 2009 : 4:55:32 PM
I just spent some time looking through that viewfinder and comparing it to the one on the regular FED-2 model of the same variation that I have.. honestly I don't see much of the difference- yes the rangefinder spot is a bit bigger but very slightly... my guess is it was not made for improving the rangefinder but rather to fix it... maybe someday when I feel courageous I will take both these models apart to see what they actually did inside.. I'm afraid that if i take them apart I won't be able to put them back together .. Here's a more detailed picture of that rangefinder window:


Jacques M. Posted - Aug 10 2009 : 05:01:25 AM

Hi Vlad!
Sorry for you but nevertheless this camera looks very fine!
I am very curious too to know if everything works correctly in the viewfinder/rangefinder. Could you tell us more, please?
A very interesting camera if it works.

Amitiés. Jacques.
dee Posted - Aug 09 2009 : 12:23:38 PM
I actually like modified cameras - someone I know picked up an early Kiev III with Kiev 4 top and meter - well executed - presumably bringing an old camera up to date was cheaper than buying new .
fedka Posted - Aug 09 2009 : 10:22:57 AM
This FED is way too new for type A. It must be a modification, though quite nice one. FED-2 is one of my favorites, but I do not like its tiny RF patch. I guess this modification addresses this exact deficiency.

So I curious - does it? Of this is simply cosmetics? Also, they had to fit a wedge lens behind that square window, I wonder how they did that.

Vlad Posted - Aug 09 2009 : 12:12:06 AM
So I got this camera recently, sorry was a little busy to post anything, but I examined it very carefully and I unfortunately think that it's most likely a modification since there are some scratches all around that window that to me seems like it had some work done... even though it looks very professional and a cool piece to add to the collection I don't think it's an authentic variation. if anyone is interested I can post close up pictures of that rangefinder window, just let me know so you can judge by yourself.

Jacques M. Posted - Jul 15 2009 : 4:14:29 PM
Hi Vlad!

Glad to know that you had it!
To tell the truth, I hesitated a long time before deciding... I wouldn't buy it.
Of course, if it had been one of the first 2a...
For me, it doesn't really make sense to have a Fed 2 with an experimental finder after several hundreds of thousands items. But I can be completely wrong: the job seems very fine...

Anyway, bravo!
Amitiés. Jacques.
Edit: not "...to have a Fed 2..." but ..."to make a Fed 2...". Sorry for my English, Vlad!
Vlad Posted - Jul 15 2009 : 4:00:39 PM
man.. it resized the long image.. I'll post full size version when i get home later.
Vlad Posted - Jul 15 2009 : 3:56:38 PM
here are some more images...

I don't know.. it does not look modified to me - they had to remake the prism, glass and everything?? But I've seen people do more skilled stuff too.. so yes hard to say...



Vlad Posted - Jul 15 2009 : 3:38:48 PM
Interesting, thanks Luiz, I guess I can tell more once I got the camera in my hands - whether it's modified or now, I'll post close up images of that rangefinder window. It's from Ukraine...
Luiz Paracampo Posted - Jul 15 2009 : 2:55:19 PM
This is the first variation of this type I ever saw!
At first it seems very strange to me as it has a self timer. Uncommon to the first series. Another point to be observed is the position of the flash contact that denotes a production after 1958 . Accordng to the picture the rotating prism is greater than usual and internal to the cover hood. I know no soviet camera with such compensator unless those found on Zorki 5/6. Please note the shutter speeds progression for a better dating, In my opinion it is a modified after sales camera, done by a competent repairman.
From which country did you pick this marvel?
Regards LP

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