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Still Cameras > Kiev / Arsenal - Kiev SLR > Kiev-88C
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The Kiev-88C is a very strange version of the Kiev-88CM camera. It differs from the standard model only in the fact that the film magazine is not removeable. This removes one of the main advantages of the Kiev-88 range and as far as I can see does not reduce the cost of production in any way. There is no longer a dark slide, as this is no longer requred. But the camera appears to have been produced by screwing a standard film magazine directly to it. The third photo shows the modified catch that is used to open the magazine. The camera serial number (with no date prefix) and Arsenal logo are on the base of the camera.

David Tomlinson.

(Click to enlarge)

Created by RCCCUK on 1/1/2011 5:27:56 AM   |   Last Edited by RCCCUK on 1/1/2011 5:40:42 AM   Revision History  
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