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Still Cameras > Military and Official Use Cameras > LISD-2F Photo Speed Detector / KMZ Digital Camera
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LISD-2F Photo Speed Detector / KMZ Digital Camera

This is one of the only 2 (according to site) digital cameras made by KMZ currently. One other digital camera is made referred as CFR (or TsFR. "Tsyfrovoy Foto-Razvedchik" (Digital Photo-Scout) (in a memorial to the FS-2 official name, see Both these cameras are special purpose devices.

This particular one is made for GBDD (Road Patrol Police) to measure speed of the moving vehicles and document the violation as digital shot. These pictures can be later transfered to a PC via what seems like a serial connector.

A detailed document in Russian is attached to the entry.

Sources: and forum
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Created by Vlad on 10/19/2009 11:36:35 PM   |   Last Edited by Zoom on 10/21/2009 11:46:07 AM   Revision History  
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