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History, Documents & Ephemera > Publications and and Books > Mistakes & Proposed Corrections to 1200 Cameras from USSR book
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Mistakes & Proposed Corrections to 1200 Cameras from USSR book

This Wiki entry is meant to keep track of possible inaccuracies or mistakes and proposed corrections to the "1200 Camera from USSR" book by Suglob, Shaternik and Kochergin. Our hope is that these will be ratified in the next edition of the book by authors and be of help to them.

Please follow the posting convention below - state name, page #, mistake/correction and related forum thread if applicable for each item.

  1. David Tomlinson - Page 440 - In JLP's book it was stated that the earlier and rarer FED-Atlas had a self-timer. This is repeated on page 440 of Victor Suglob's mammoth volume. In fact, both illustrations are of the same camera (with self-timer). I believe that Aidas is correct on his website, when he states that the earlier and rarer FED-Atlas had no self-timer. Having checked my own collection and also checked on Ebay, it would seem that the vast majority of FED-Atlas cameras do in fact have a self-timer. Forum thread:
  2. Vladislav Kern - Page 387 - According to SSK book 1200 Cameras from USSR - page 387 top camera - FEDs that we called "Warranty" or "Unusual Serial # FEDS that had 3-4 digit numbers are stated to be made in Berdsk. Bill Parkinson writes: " there is a passport and camera pictured in our WIKI from a Kharkov collector with a passport from 1936 ... so no way the passport and engraving were both wrong, and obviously dated in 1936, not during the Berdsk years.". Forum thread:
  3. okynek - Page 129 - first and third pictures need to be switch in places.
  4. okynek - Page 229 - Start-3 - book say that "Start-3 based on MASS PRODUCED model Start-2", probably authors mean Start-3 based on MASS PRODUCED model Start-1, or Start-3 based on EXPERIMENTAL model Start-2.
  5. okynek - Page 454 - Kiev IIIA, group III (last on this page) Would be really nice to have picture of the Ukrainian logo instead of the picture of the standard top housing.
  6. okynek - Page 455 - Kiev IV group 1 modification 1 first on this page - Book say that earlier Kiev 4 has foot but no flash connector. I poses Kiev 4 s/n 572097 which is earlier then in the book without foot and with flash connector. Same on Aidas Web side:
    I believe that early Kiev 4 did not have foot on the bottom and do have flash connector. Camera in the book possibly "meatloaf".
  7. David Tomlinson - Page 513 - Chaika group 1 Issue 3. Lens listed as Industar-65. I believe this should be Industar-69 (as photo).
  8. David Tomlinson - Page 233 - Complete Set "FS-12-3". Zenit-2SDS should read Zenit-12SDS. This set also supplied with Zenit-12XPS.
  9. David Tomlinson - Page 562 - Rakurs-672. Kit also included Vega-23 3.5/150 lens.
  10. David Tomlinson - Page 592 - Zakhod. Further info: Lens: ZH 2.8/24 and automatic shutter speeds 1/60 - 1/1000 sec (manual mode 1/30).
  11. David Tomlinson - Page 301 - LOMO. This camera is not duel format, but 18 x 24 (half-frame). It was made using the UFK-2 Junior Photo Constructor Kit -2.
  12. David Tomlinson - Page 173 - Zenit-E 1979-1980 (Top of page). The camera pictured should have the same Olympics logo as the black version pictured below it.
  13. David Tomlinson - Page 616 - Aerocamera. This camera is designated AFA-27T-49. The focal length of the Telemar-17 lens is 400mm not 40mm.

Created by Vlad on 1/16/2010 3:38:43 PM   |   Last Edited by RCCCUK on 3/25/2010 7:11:29 AM   Revision History  
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