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 Kiev Arsenal Nomenclature

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Vlad Posted - Oct 09 2007 : 3:52:57 PM
I'm a bit confused.. are Arsenal model numbers mix still and movie cameras? For example: There is a Kiev 15 then Kiev 16 (movie camera), then Kiev 17...

Are these in any order? Were the "in-between" camera model #s ever made? Like Kiev 6, 7, 8,9 or they just picked the #s at random?

13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Vlad Posted - Oct 17 2007 : 12:23:39 PM
Honestly I've never heard of that Gerard... my impression was that "unlucky 13" was a western notion...

gerardpanoramic Posted - Oct 17 2007 : 05:52:17 AM
Dear Vlad,

About model number 13.
I have been told that in Russia never made a model 13 any camera, as this is a kind of "holy number"
Same as the room number of a hotel.
gerardpanoramic Posted - Oct 17 2007 : 05:48:13 AM
Originally posted by Vlad

So what happened to Kiev 11, 12, 13 and 14? Were they in schematics stage at least or Arsenal was just randomly picking model numbers?


Zoom Posted - Oct 10 2007 : 6:45:45 PM
Originally posted by Luiz Paracampo

See at http://www.novacon.com.br/h3adde01.htm ...

Sorry, but this is not a good source. At first, it is secondary.

And it contain some errors:

"Prisma de Dove usado ate 1950" --> much earlier

Left logo from

is not KMZ logo. It is the Princelle's fantasy. (Looks like UOMZ old mark)


(from Alfred Camera page) -- two left logos has incorrect angles.

(Btw. many other pictures are from www.zenitcamera.com -- but there are nothing about sources)


is not a logo.

"Estatua equestre de Pedro O Grande" --> correct: Bogdan Khmelnitsky

This logo:

is not MMZ logo, but ZOMZ.

"UFA Uralnii Fabrika Apparatov" -- Nope...
Luiz Paracampo Posted - Oct 10 2007 : 1:07:14 PM
See at http://www.novacon.com.br/h3adde01.htm the logo of Киевский завод автоматики им. Г.И. Петровского (Kievsky zavod avtomatiki im. Petrovskogo)- no relationship with Arsenal zavod- It represents an arc and an arrow or a torpedo running over the sea waves. The following pages have lots of Logos of Soviet camera industy
nightphoto Posted - Oct 09 2007 : 8:03:20 PM

There was a Kiev-11 prototype (page 217 Princelle) and I suspect that like many technology manufacturing companies, not every model is produced in series, and some may just be drawings, never even produced as a prototype. This is the probable answer with Kievs, although I'm just guessing.

Regards, Bill

nightphoto Posted - Oct 09 2007 : 7:52:51 PM
Thank you Zoom!

Regards, Bill

Zoom Posted - Oct 09 2007 : 6:43:37 PM
Originally posted by nightphoto
I see in the Princelle book that the photo of the Kiev-165-2 (page 268) has the symbol of the arrow pointing up and two waves across it, in a circle.

See http://www.zenitcamera.com/qa/qa-logos.html (tip: move the mouse pointer over a plant names, they are translated to English)

Originally posted by nightphoto
And also the lenses on these cine cameras seem to have LZOS symbols on them.

"Kievsky zavod avtomatiki" (KZA) didn't made lenses. So, others plants made optics were used.
Vlad Posted - Oct 09 2007 : 6:35:37 PM
So what happened to Kiev 11, 12, 13 and 14? Were they in schematics stage at least or Arsenal was just randomly picking model numbers?

Zoom Posted - Oct 09 2007 : 6:29:45 PM
Originally posted by Vlad
Great! All right, now I definitely badly need a lesson in Soviet naming convention! :)

The movie cameras 'Kiev' ('Alpha') were made by "Kievsky zavod avtomatiki imeni G.I. Petrovskogo" ('Kiev automation plant...').
Index "16" is from 16-mm film.
nightphoto Posted - Oct 09 2007 : 6:15:21 PM
Which Zavod made the Kiev movie cameras?

I see in the Princelle book that the photo of the Kiev-165-2 (page 268) has the symbol of the arrow pointing up and two waves across it, in a circle. And also the lenses on these cine cameras seem to have LZOS symbols on them.

Regards, Bill

Vlad Posted - Oct 09 2007 : 5:07:15 PM
Dmitriy, right?

Thanks for chiming in! :)

Great! All right, now I definitely badly need a lesson in Soviet naming convention! :)

Zoom Posted - Oct 09 2007 : 4:43:14 PM
Originally posted by Vlad

I'm a bit confused.. are Arsenal model numbers mix still and movie cameras? For example: There is a Kiev 15 then Kiev 16 (movie camera), then Kiev 17...

Now you will be confused even more... ;) Surprise: Zavod Arsenal was never produce this movie cameras...

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