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Jacques M.
2639 Posts
Posted - Jul 28 2010 :  09:11:30 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

First, sorry for my long silence: my computer broke down two months ago and as I am stupid, I had not made copies. So I have lost all my datas...
I received lately two interesting Contaxes. Of course,I would not speak of them if they were not in close relationship with Kievs.


On the right: a Contax II of the last batch, n° O.64166 with a 1,5/5cm Sonnar T coated. Made before Dresden was bombed in february 1945. The remaining camera bodies and spare parts were sent to Kiev and they were used as production training. The first "Kiev 1947" were made with these parts, at least those with script re-engraved front plate (at the reverse of the front plate, the stroke of the "t" is lower than on the Contax Jena).

On the left, an early 1947 Contax Jena n° 11826, certainly with the original lens. History says that the Soviet forces asked for three production lines, that the Contax Jena and some Kiev 1947 (those with the "block" inscription??)were produced and that these lines were shipped to Kiev with some German engineers. No production in Ukraine before 1948, as it seems.

Unhappily, it's almost impossible to get a Kiev 1947. If not, I would have made close comparisons with these two ones...

Amitiés. Jacques.

Edited by - Jacques M. on Aug 03 2010 08:31:09 AM
Ulrich W.
859 Posts
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Posted - Jul 28 2010 :  3:23:06 PM  Show Profile  Visit uwittehh's Homepage  Reply with Quote

congrats to the two Contaxes. They are very nice. I have had one Contax II with serial O 64864. Unfortunately I have sold it away some years ago :-(

Please take a closer look to the lens on it, maybe there is a very thin engraved "MF" with another serial number on it. On my lens it was engraved and I have found out that this were really rare lenses for "Marine Flieger" examples (cameras for the german marine in that time). The lens on my camera was only a dozend numbers away from the camera and lens that was on the Bismarck!

Sometimes I think it was a bad idea to sell it away but on the other side I don't want to have cameras and lenses that were specially made for german Nazi troups that time... Don't know why, maybe because I am a german guy ;-)


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217 Posts
Posted - Jul 29 2010 :  03:07:15 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Jacques,

Congratulations for these two nice finds.
Happy guy…

"Putain, la chance!"

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Sandor Szilagyi
34 Posts
Posted - Jul 30 2010 :  06:02:42 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Jacques, sorry for your hd-crash and congrats for the find from me too!

Slightly off:

Ulrich: you do not have to feel that way! I am sorry if it is a crude example: it is not a Zyklon B can... Despite the dark side of the era the (technical) developments cannot be forgotten. The medical experiments - yes, inhuman - saved lives already in the Korean war, and we still "profit" from them, even if we are not aware of that... We sent people to the Moon, fly with jetplanes.

And BTW, we are happy if we get a nice NKVD-Fed! NKVD? Yeah... See?

(Sorry for thread stealing, and being off!)

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759 Posts
Posted - Jul 30 2010 :  07:56:58 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I can relay to your filling Ulrich. While I agree in some way with Sandor about technical and economical development what triggered by WWII (actually by any war) the human and moral sacrifice is to huge. My grandmother was killed by Nazi in Kiev, my grandfather was killed by KGB year before her.
I do not have any KGB cameras in my collection.... Just now I starting to understand why, never think about this before.... Do not fill right to keep instruments what may be responsible to somebody suffering....
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Jacques M.
2639 Posts
Posted - Jul 31 2010 :  04:43:34 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

No "MF" on my lens. Perhaps it is a pacific one?
The chrome on the camera is much rougher than on prewar ones.
Did you notice the official serial of the lens you speak of, Ulrich?
I think mine is the right one, even if it was probably made a year before: not surprising in those times...

About the other question, I consider that these cameras are only
strong witnesses of our common history. But it's only my opinion...

Amitiés. Jacques.

Edited by - Jacques M. on Aug 03 2010 09:44:24 AM
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Jacques M.
2639 Posts
Posted - Aug 03 2010 :  09:23:32 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Here are some different details between the Contax 1945 and the Contax Jena 1947. To compare with early Kievs...



On these two pictures, the Contax 1945 is on the left, the Jena 1947 on the right (tripod shoe missing on the '45).

Some comments, comparisons with early Kievs?

Amitiés. Jacques.

Edited by - Jacques M. on Aug 03 2010 09:35:55 AM
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Jacques M.
2639 Posts
Posted - Aug 03 2010 :  09:31:34 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Another picture.
The ring under the selftimer is black painted on the Contax Jena. It seems it's the only Contax with such a ring: all the other ones have a chromed one, like the 1945 Contax. All my Kievs have chromed rings too.

It seems you have a black ring on your 1948 Kiev, Michel?


Do we find these same differences between the "script" and the "block" 1947 Kievs? THAT is the question!

Amitiés. Jacques.

Edited by - Jacques M. on Aug 03 2010 09:46:02 AM
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Jacques M.
2639 Posts
Posted - Aug 05 2010 :  11:29:08 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

No comment?
Well, two last pictures. I don't want to tire anybody!


This pictures shows the rewind button of my Desden 1945 Contax II. But it could be the one of any Contax I, II or III. Since 1932, the arrow has this curious extension which should prevent from putting it on the rope of a bow... Funny, no?


Now, the same button on my 1947 Contax Jena. No extension, that time. And the Contax Jena is the only II or III to lack that part.

Hence a possible question: are there such differences on the 1947 Kievs? It should be an indication about their origin... And what about your 1948 Kiev, Michel?

Now, I shut up!

Amitiés. Jacques;

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217 Posts
Posted - Aug 05 2010 :  12:36:43 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Jacques,

Here we are.
About my KIEV 48 1104 :
the ring under the selftimer is black,
the rewind button is the same as on your Contax 45,
the tripod socket is the same
and the arrow on the rewind button has feathers and "extension".

Did I answer your questions ?

Yes, Kiev 47 seems to be a rarity (maybe some sellers have some of them in a safe, waiting the price to increase ??)
And, as you know, there are two variants of Kiev 47 (two different engravings…)

Sincerly and amitiés,

Edited by - Michel on Aug 05 2010 12:37:52 PM
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Vladislav Kern
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Posted - Aug 05 2010 :  12:39:52 PM  Show Profile  Visit Vlad's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I know someone who has 1947 Kiev, I can ask him to send me pictures or maybe he can post them himself if he's reading this .

Thanks for these Jacques, this makes a great reference material!

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Ulrich W.
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Posted - Aug 05 2010 :  2:12:48 PM  Show Profile  Visit uwittehh's Homepage  Reply with Quote

the chrome was much rougher on my O numbered Contax too. And the engraving of the serial number looked clumsy.

My lens had serial number 2683369, so it matches to yours.


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Jacques M.
2639 Posts
Posted - Aug 06 2010 :  08:23:15 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Thanks for your confirmation, Ulrich. The rough chrome can be interesting to distinguish 1947 Kievs made from Dresden parts.

Very interested by what you say about your 1948 Kiev, Michel. So, it would be a "pure" Dresden one, except for that ring... In 1948, parts coming from anywhere were probably mixed in boxes or so, and were kept in no order.

If I understand well:
- we have 1947 Kiev, with script inscription, only made with Dresden parts. Alexei Nikitin's one (in the wiki) seems to be one of them.
- we have 1947 Kievs, with block inscription, made in Jena besides the Contax Jena on one of the three production lines. They have all the features of the Contax Jena.
- we have the same ones after the three production lines were sent to Ukraine,
- the last ones, perhaps as soon as 1947 made with what was available.

Another special detail is intersting: it concerns the distance wheel. The groove is the rule for all the Contaxes II, including the Jena.
But it's not always present on Kievs 1947: Alexei's one has not. And even on later Kievs, it's a real mess.


Here are my two 1950 Kievs on this picture: the # 503737 on the left (with groove) and the # 506446 without.
One can guess that there was a lack of these distance wheel as early as 1947 and that the factory made a special machine tool before receiving the production lines. It would explain these wheels without groove which only belong to Kievs.

Well, that's all I know for the moment.

For those who are interested, two fascinating articles written by specialists:
- Kiev Rangefinders, by Peter Hennig
- After Dresden: the migration of the Contax to Jena and Kiev (Larry Gubas)

Amitiés. Jacques.
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217 Posts
Posted - Aug 06 2010 :  09:53:02 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

My K48 has the groove on the distance wheel.

(BTW when you say "it is a real mess" do you mean "c'est le bordel"??)


Edited by - Michel on Mar 04 2011 12:21:02 PM
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Jacques M.
2639 Posts
Posted - Aug 06 2010 :  2:11:39 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I had noticed that your 1948 Kiev has this groove on the distance wheel. It has also a black rim under the selftimer: it's the only detail coming from the Jena Contaxes.

About your translation, it is absolutely perfect!

Amitiés. Jacques.
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Ulrich W.
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Posted - Aug 06 2010 :  2:53:55 PM  Show Profile  Visit uwittehh's Homepage  Reply with Quote
My 1949 Kiev II also has the grooved distance wheel, look here:



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Stephan Van den Zegel
176 Posts
Posted - Aug 28 2010 :  08:11:14 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
to Jacques...

I told you contax could be addictive... too

Your O series is very nice (what is the number of the T sonnar ?)

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Jacques M.
2639 Posts
Posted - Aug 29 2010 :  2:11:06 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

You are right about Kiev/Contax addiction, seeing too that the two last Fed 1 I don't have cannot be reached...
The number of the T Sonnar is 2789632 (1,5/5cm)

But I found too a later T coated 2/5cm sonnar serial # 2935976. How can it be a Sonnar, not a ZK with such a serial number? The seller told me it was mounted on a camera, but unhappily he doesn't remember which one.
And what is the exact history of these Sonnar/ZK lenses in the 1945/1947 years?

Surely you can help?

Amitiés; Jacques.

Edited by - Jacques M. on Aug 29 2010 2:12:23 PM
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Aidas Pikiotas
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Posted - Sep 08 2010 :  02:24:13 AM  Show Profile  Visit AidasCams's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Hi Jacques!

I'm studying a wonderful Minoru Sasaki book about early Kievs right now, so thanks a lot for your great review!

Best Regards,
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Jacques M.
2639 Posts
Posted - Sep 08 2010 :  07:55:14 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Aidas!
Probably the best book... I don't have it.
Don't hesitate to correct my hypothesis if they are wrong!

Amitiés. Jacques.
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Jacques M.
2639 Posts
Posted - Feb 11 2011 :  07:38:30 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Received today my second Jena Contax. From the last batch, it's a very rare camera: only 100 were made.

Nobody exactly knows when this batch was made: one speaks of somewhere between 1951 and 1956.
Nor why: at that date, the use of the name "Contax" was forbidden behind the iron curtain. And the Kievs II and III were in production since a long time...
And about the question "where", I even wonder if they were not made in Ukraine... After all, some of these late Jena Contax have a front plate engraved with the name Kiev!!

So it's most interesting to compare this scarce camera with Kievs II of the same years.

I will post pictures as soon as possible. For the moment, I can say there are only some light differences with my 1948 one, except for the lens (a rare postwar CZJ 1,5/5cm) and the back part. It weighs 175g, compared to my 1948's one: 119g. These cameras with heavy back parts are still rarer than with light ones...

Amitiés. Jacques.

Edited by - Jacques M. on Feb 11 2011 08:25:53 AM
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Jacques M.
2639 Posts
Posted - Feb 11 2011 :  08:40:00 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
First, some pict. of the Jena Contax alone. The flash sync is a distinctive detail of this batch.

http://www.ussrphoto.com/UserContent/1122011_Jena contax 1951 001.JPG

http://www.ussrphoto.com/UserContent/1122011_Jena contax 1951 003.JPG

http://www.ussrphoto.com/UserContent/1122011_Jena contax 1951 004.JPG

The distance wheel (pict. 3) always have a groove. This one is less deep than on my 1948 Jena Contax.

Edited by - Jacques M. on Feb 12 2011 10:58:38 AM
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Jacques M.
2639 Posts
Posted - Feb 12 2011 :  10:08:00 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
At the beginning of this topic, I had put some pictures comparing the Jena Contax 1948 and a wartime Contax II made in Dresden.
Now, a comparison between the 1951-56 Jena Contax and the Kiev # 504664. The Kiev is always on the right.

http://www.ussrphoto.com/UserContent/1222011_Jena Contax-Kiev 001.JPG

No real difference on this first picture, except for the distance wheel: no groove on the Kiev. But my earlier Kiev # 503737 has one...

http://www.ussrphoto.com/UserContent/1222011_Jena Contax-Kiev 002.JPG

A distinctive detail on Jena Contaxes: all have a square shaped shoe. Some early Kievs have it too, probably coming from the same Jena parts. No square shoe on wartime or prewar Dresden Contaxes. The flash synch is a rare feature on Jena Contaxes. DVD says that a 1954 Kiev II preserie had it too. Where was it? On the top or under the finder?

http://www.ussrphoto.com/UserContent/1222011_Jena Contax-Kiev 004.JPG

Once more, no difference.

Edited by - Jacques M. on Feb 12 2011 10:11:23 AM
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Jacques M.
2639 Posts
Posted - Feb 12 2011 :  10:53:14 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

On this picture (Kiev always on the right), the release button is the same. More circles on the square part of the shoe for the Jena Contax, which seems to be a distinctive feature. The triangular part too is slightly different: more space between the lines and the rim. And if the back is much more heavier on this Jena Contax (175g against 113g for the Kiev), one cannot see it.

http://www.ussrphoto.com/UserContent/1222011_Jena Contax-Kiev 006.JPG

Last picture. From left to right: 1948 Jena Contax, 1951/56 Jena Contax, 1950 Kiev.
One can see that the rewind button is not the same everywhere: four rows of diamonds on the 1948, only three on the two others. It's interesting to notice that all wartime and prewar Contax II have four rows.

http://www.ussrphoto.com/UserContent/1222011_12 02 001.JPG

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Jacques M.
2639 Posts
Posted - Feb 12 2011 :  11:58:43 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
So, it seems there were no real borders for late Jena Contaxes and Kievs of the same years. The two factories were both behind the Iron Curtain: so all that is probably a question of evolution, perhaps even for the two cameras together, more or less at the same time.

Anyway, the last part of this last batch contains several Jena Contaxes with the Kiev logo on the front. Perhaps my # 30536 Jena Contax has "Kiev" on the back of the front?

Eager to have your comments. I wish you have some interesting Kievs to compare with these ones...

Amitiés. Jacques.

Edited by - Jacques M. on Feb 13 2011 07:44:41 AM
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Jacques M.
2639 Posts
Posted - Feb 25 2011 :  04:53:45 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

No comment?

I had forgotten something interesting (for me!).
On my two Jena Contaxes, the rangefinder/viewfinder is grey on grey. To compare with orange-pink on green for all my other Contax and Kiev cameras.

It seems a typical feature of Jena Contaxes: it is even used to recognize the forgeries.
So, it could be useful to know the colour on very early Kievs...

Amitiés. Jacques.

Edited by - Jacques M. on Feb 25 2011 3:50:05 PM
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Vladislav Kern
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Posted - Feb 25 2011 :  6:35:06 PM  Show Profile  Visit Vlad's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Jacques, it's very fascinating and detailed research, I've been following it closely, I bow to your attention to detail, thank you very much for posting this!

In fact it does seem that both cameras are very closely related if not exactly the same considering mostly German parts were used in the early Kiev production. Apart from screws they look identical .

I wonder at which point they started to deviate. I will compare these pictures to my 1952 Kiev and I will also compare my '52 to the '49 that I have. My guess is they started running out of German part sometime close to 1952 maybe? What do you think?

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Jacques M.
2639 Posts
Posted - Feb 27 2011 :  09:40:03 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks for your friendly answer, Vlad.
For the moment, I don't know if somebody is able to answer your question: it would be necessary to list the known 1947-50 Kiev, to examine them closely, and to compare with different batches of Jena Contaxes!

It seems that there is a great variability for the early Kievs. Perhaps because Dresden, Jena and home made (=Arsenal) parts were mixed. On the other hand, I don't understand why the Jena Contaxes seem to be "pure": my 1951-56 one, at this date, should be really the twin brother of a Kiev.

Your guessing of 1952 is probably not bad. Up to 1951 and possibly 1952, Kievs III could have Jupiter with Sonnar lenses, and DIN meters (rather than GOST). So why not 1952? Too, it would be interesting to know if the machine tools shipped from Germany in 1947 were always working five years later... Probably Arsenal had made other ones (or modified the German ones) with some improving details, for example to produce more...

Some last pictures in a while about the leather bags of my two Jena Contaxes.

Amitiés. Jacques.

Edited by - Jacques M. on Feb 27 2011 09:44:28 AM
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Jacques M.
2639 Posts
Posted - Mar 01 2011 :  12:20:01 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

http://www.ussrphoto.com/UserContent/132011_Jena Contax bags 002.JPG

http://www.ussrphoto.com/UserContent/132011_Jena Contax bags 001.JPG

The leather bags of my two Jena Contaxes.
The first one (=upper) is the 1948 one, the lower is the 1951-56 one.
The general shape, the sewing and the nose are the same.
Prewar or wartime Contaxes don't have that sort of bag. But they can be seen for early Kievs with noses a bit different.
Some more detailed pictures to come.

Amitiés. Jacques.
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Jacques M.
2639 Posts
Posted - Mar 01 2011 :  2:03:36 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

http://www.ussrphoto.com/UserContent/132011_Jena Contax bags 003.JPG

That time, the 1948 is the lower. The stiffener stripes exist only on this one. The grain of the leather is more rough.

The two qualities of leather seem to exist on the 1947 Kiev. But it must be confirmed. See for example this 1947 Kiev case:


The only difference seems to be the polygonal nose rather than round on Jena Contaxes. I don't know if other early Kievs (1948, 1949) have such cases...

Amitiés. Jacques.

Edited by - Jacques M. on Mar 01 2011 2:23:46 PM
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217 Posts
Posted - Mar 04 2011 :  12:06:13 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Jacques,
I send you four photos of my 48 1104 KIEV.

Here, you can see the shape of the shoe :


Four rows of diamonds, here :


See the groove on the distance wheel and notice the shape of the cipher "3" on the counter :


And here, see the foot and the rewind knob :


I don't know if this can help, as I have no Jena Contax and Alain is no more here to give details or advice.


Edited by - Michel on Mar 04 2011 12:08:23 PM
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Vladislav Kern
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Posted - Mar 04 2011 :  6:33:03 PM  Show Profile  Visit Vlad's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Jacques, I don't know if it helps, I've never seen such leather cases on Kievs..

I will try to take some comparison pictures of my 2 Kievs this weekend.

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Vladislav Kern
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Posted - Mar 06 2011 :  4:55:34 PM  Show Profile  Visit Vlad's Homepage  Reply with Quote
As promised here is my comparison of Kiev 49 vs 52

The top cover of the '49 Kiev has more rounded stamped edges than '52, that one is a lot more defined

You can see edge difference more on this image, '49 is on the right, '52 on the left

Rewind knobs: '49 on the right, 52 on the left. Arrows are different and the '49 has 4 rows of diamonds on the side of the knob, vs 3 rows on '52. Also the inner knob is of more diameter on '52

'49 on top, '52 on the bottom: The bottoms of these cameras show the most difference. While '49 is very fine machined, has more concentric circles around the locks and the tripod socket mount, the '52 seems a lot more simplified in that regard. You can tell that '49 is still German parts here while '52 is already streamlined Soviet design.

More detail on the quality of machining around the locks, '49 is on the right

More detail on the tripod socket. '49 is on the right, '52 on the left

Frame counter dial gears are also different, with '49 having a more coarse gear teeth. '49 is on the right.

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Jacques M.
2639 Posts
Posted - Mar 09 2011 :  10:16:49 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Ah! I feel better!
Thanks to you, Michel and Vlad!

Your pictures are very interesting. Vlad, your 1952 Kiev seems to be a "simplified" version, compared to the 1948 (Michel's), 1949 (yours) and 1950 (mine) ones.

As for your 1948 one, Michel, it is a "pure" Dresden one, except for the black rim under the selftimer which is a Jena detail. I had not noticed the difference about the "3": I will use it later (I am preparing the list of differences between Dresden and Jena Contaxes)

Alexei Nikitin (thanks to him!) sends me a mail in which he explains a part of the story. For him, the Dresden production lines were not completely destroyed and could have been repaired. And as the railway gauge was not the same in USSR (larger than in Europe), the trains had to stop a long time before being discharged and the contents sent to Ukraine... It would explain why the Jena material arrived more or less at the same time in Kiev. And why Dresden and Jena parts are mixed on early Kievs.

Thanks once more for the pictures which show perfectly the evolution of the camera...

Amitiés. Jacques.

Edited by - Jacques M. on Mar 09 2011 10:42:25 AM
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Jacques M.
2639 Posts
Posted - Mar 09 2011 :  11:34:46 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Here is the leather bag of the Kiev serial # 47386 (DVD picture).
Not very far from my own ones, I think.


Amitiés. Jacques.

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Jacques M.
2639 Posts
Posted - Jun 12 2011 :  10:45:18 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Here are the external differences between prewar or wartime Contaxes and the Jena Contaxes.
If it can help some colleagues to identify better their 1947-49 Kiev, specially about their origins: does mine come from Dresden parts or from Jena?...

On the cover of Jena Contaxes:
1- View counter: "3" with round top, flat on prewar or wartime Contaxes. Idem for the distance scale (front part).
2- Rewind knob: arrow without central extension.
3- Rewind knob: central screw: 6mm (5mm on other ones)
4- Accessory shoe: square shape.
5- Accessory shoe: logo "Carl Zeiss Jena".
6- Rangefinder: grey/grey rather than green/yellow.

On the front:
7- Selftimer: black painted rim under selftimer.
8- Contax engraving different. Clearly visible: distances between C/o and n/x are more important.

Rear part:
9- No logo.

Back part:
10- Accessory shoe: number of circles more important.
11- Accessory shoe: tripod with moulded lines on the two parts,
12- Release button: with concentric circles.

It is interesting to add that Jena Contaxes may have slightly different front engravings, concerning the exact shape of the O, for example (less or more flat). And the rear/back part is heavier on some rare Jena Contaxes (c.175g instead c.115g). Last: a flash sync on the cover (last batch only).

Very probably, there are other differences I missed! Please, don't hesitate to add your remarks.

For the differences between early Kievs, don't miss the very interesting article on Luiz's site ! (Written by Claudio Asquini).


Amitiés. Jacques.

Edited by - Jacques M. on Jul 19 2011 08:14:20 AM
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Vladislav Kern
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Posted - Jul 19 2011 :  9:56:56 PM  Show Profile  Visit Vlad's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Jacques, as I've been following this thread, and my understanding is that it seems like most Kievs do come from Jena Contaxes, right? The Dresden Contax details seem to different from the Kievs that I've seen. Do you have an example of a Kiev with Dresden parts? Or at least one that you suspect is Dresden parts?

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Jacques M.
2639 Posts
Posted - Jul 20 2011 :  06:50:44 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Hi Vlad,
Here is how I figure all that.
1- Contax and Kiev prototypes are made in Jena. They have two serial numbers: the Zeiss and Kiev ones, and the Carl Zeiss Jena logo. All that on the shoe. On the front, the Contax or the Kiev inscription. Of course, absolutely no difference between these Kievs and Contaxes as they were all made together from machine tools delivered from the German to the Russians.
2- At the same time, Dresden parts are sent to Kiev. The production first begins with these only parts. And little by little, some Jena parts are sent to Kiev. It explains why the 1947 Kievs are almost "pure" Dresden cameras.
3- The Jena machine tools arrive at Kiev. The pieces are mixed Jena/Dresden (1948).
4- Then, little by little, original Dresden parts are missing: cameras look like Jena's, except for some detail.
5- Machine tools are modified to increase the production. Kievs are simplified (from c. 1951).

So, you are right for the most important part, Vlad.
But I wonder why one finds the square accessory shoe (Jena part) only on the prototypes and on all the Jena Contaxes, but on no Kiev, whatever its date be... Another mystery...

Amitiés. Jacques.
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Vladislav Kern
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Posted - Jul 20 2011 :  6:36:32 PM  Show Profile  Visit Vlad's Homepage  Reply with Quote
hmm, this is excellent research, Jacques! A great timeline for the evolution of the camera! Thank you!

regarding the shoe, it's possible they didn't have any for production on Arsenal so they only used them for prototypes..

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Ulrich W.
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Posted - Oct 02 2011 :  02:42:09 AM  Show Profile  Visit uwittehh's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Now that I own a Jena Contax too I can confirm to all points that Jacques listed. It's a really interesting camera. Here are some pictures:

The feather on the selftimer release and the black painted ring under the selftimer lever:

The shoe with the number and the logo. An interesting detail on the film reminder disk, the digits are engraved a bit more to the inner part of it. And no flat "3":

This seems to be really interesting, the shutter has no number engraved. On my Kiev II from 1949 there is a hand engraved number on it. Maybe the shutters are from the same factory and the ones for the Kievs were engraved by hand to distinguish them from the ones for the Jena Contax?

That's funny, there are parts made of cardboard to shield the rangefinder prism from light (the brown/black part on left-top of the picture). It just felt out and I wondered first where I have to reinstall it...:

And the result after reassembling:

Now it's a real beauty, when it arrives here the chrome on the top and front mask was a bit yellow tinted, then I found out that was nicotine (it stinks during removing it...)! So it seems that the camera was sitting the most time on a shelf in the household of a heavy smoker. That was the main reason why I disassembled the chrome parts carefully.

By the way, the lens is a rigid Sonnar in an aluminium housing. Like the Zorki lens on my Kiev II from 1949.



Edited by - uwittehh on Oct 02 2011 02:46:25 AM
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Jacques M.
2639 Posts
Posted - Oct 02 2011 :  03:23:29 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Thanks a lot for your pictures !
Very interested by the details: I don't dare to open my Jena Contaxes...

So, I am no more the only one to be crazy with these cameras...

Amitiés. Jacques.
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Ulrich W.
859 Posts
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Posted - Oct 02 2011 :  04:45:10 AM  Show Profile  Visit uwittehh's Homepage  Reply with Quote

no, you are not :-) With the knowledge of the history the Kiev/Contax is the most interesting camera to collect. And the Jena Contax seems to be the rarest german rangefinder build by Zeiss.


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Jacques M.
2639 Posts
Posted - Oct 06 2011 :  10:39:03 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Ulrich,

There is something I don't really understand in the chronology about the Jena Contax.
From your articles (the Conkies), I understand that:
1- the production lines are first made and tested,
2- the first 1947 Jena Contax and Kiev Contax are made,
3- the three production lines are dismounted and sent to Kiev.

OK. But with what were the following Jena Contaxes made? From spare parts, originally made in 1946-47 and used when necessary to mount the other series?
What was the exact date of the sending to Kiev?

Sorry: my German is non-existent...

Merci. Jacques.

Edited by - Jacques M. on Oct 06 2011 10:40:55 AM
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Ulrich W.
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Posted - Oct 06 2011 :  2:25:44 PM  Show Profile  Visit uwittehh's Homepage  Reply with Quote

that's apoint that I am wondering about too. Unfortunately the documents end in late 1947. They say that the Saalfeld production line was shipped to Kiev. The document says also that in the late Jena Contaxes there can be found front masks that were made of reengraved Kiev plates. So maybe the late Jena Contaxes were made in Kiev for special purposes? As I know the east germans have no permission to make ragnefinders under the name Contax in that time when e.g. your late Jena Contax was built.


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Jacques M.
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Posted - Oct 07 2011 :  08:14:39 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Thanks, Ulrich.

There are probably two possibilities:
- on the three production lines, two only are shipped to Kiev. The remaining one is used to make Jena Contaxes when necessary. That was the original promise of the USSR authorities. But it seems that this promise was not hold and all was sent to Kiev.
Hence my second supposition.
- In 1946-47, the three production lines are made and immediately tested. Some rare early Jena Contaxes and Kiev Contaxes (those with the two numberings) are mounted. Besides, some 2000 parts are made and set apart. They will serve to mount the other series, from 1948.

About that, we can suppose that most of these Jena Contaxes were offered as gifts, rather than sold: the greatest number of these cameras seem unused, contrarily to the contemporaneous Kievs.

Zeiss Opton (West Germany) obtained the legal rights on "Contax" only in 1954. But the Kievs could continue, of course.

Concerning these curious late Jena Kiev, they are all in the last range of 100 cameras, serial number 30501-30600. Only 6 are actually known. I have absolutely no detail about them. Always gifts for Russians of rank, perhaps?

Amitiés. Jacques.

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Jacques M.
2639 Posts
Posted - Feb 13 2012 :  09:35:21 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

I received some weeks ago a 1948 Kiev. Here is a photo:

http://www.ussrphoto.com/UserContent/1322012_Kiev 48 1.jpg

In fact, mine is most on the Jena/Kiev side: no "3" with a flat top, for example. Of course, there are Dresden arrows with a central extension. And four rows on the rewind button:

http://www.ussrphoto.com/UserContent/1322012_Kiev 48 2.jpg

These four rows are present on all the prewar Contax II, early Kievs up to some 1949 ones, and on early Jena Contaxes (my # 30xxx doesn't have). Three rows seems the rule after.

Edited by - Jacques M. on Feb 13 2012 10:26:06 AM
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217 Posts
Posted - Feb 13 2012 :  10:22:46 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Jacques,
Absolutely splendid camera !
Lucky guy…
Mine is not so beautiful, and the lens is… a Jupiter #54xxx

Sincerly,et à bientôt,
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Jacques M.
2639 Posts
Posted - Feb 13 2012 :  10:23:19 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Always on this 1948 Kiev, a ZK lens. I thought till now that 1948 ones were collapsible? The numbering seems correct.

http://www.ussrphoto.com/UserContent/1322012_Kiev 48 3.jpg

Are there other "solid" 1948 ZK that you would know?

Amitiés. Jacques.

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Jacques M.
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Posted - Feb 13 2012 :  10:28:59 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Merci Michel!
But I think that your body is most interesting with the flat top on "3" (Dresden side), the black ring under the selftimer (Jena specification)... All a world in a camera!

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6 Posts
Posted - May 12 2013 :  10:15:26 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Vlad,
I'm new to this forum. I just received my Kiev 2. I found your '52 Kiev 2 very interesting, as it is very different from mine. Perhaps yours considered the rare one

here's mine:






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6 Posts
Posted - May 13 2013 :  04:30:47 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
missed 1 image


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Jacques M.
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Posted - Jul 09 2018 :  09:06:20 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

An other Jena-Contax here.
The s/n 11829, next to my 11826 already seen above in the thread.
Externally, there is only one difference. The winding button has a different shape (screw and "bowl"). Nothing else before dismounting.

The general look first:


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Jacques M.
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Posted - Jul 09 2018 :  09:08:26 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

And the curious winding button.


Amitiés. Jacques.
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United Kingdom
134 Posts
Posted - Jul 10 2018 :  03:04:46 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Just seen Michels post from Mar 04 2011 - I have Kiev 481100 in my collection, just 4 behind his camera. Mine also has 1100 engraved into the alloy shutter assembly.
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Jacques M.
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Posted - Mar 04 2020 :  08:14:47 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Just for the pleasure, two photos of a fake Jena Contax "ivory", recently sold on the net:

http://www.ussrphoto.com/UserContent2/432020_Jena Contax 27976 fake 4.jpg

http://www.ussrphoto.com/UserContent2/432020_Jena Contax 27976 fake 2.jpg

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Jacques M.
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Posted - Mar 04 2020 :  08:19:12 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
To compare with a genuine ivory one. In fact, a fake too! (please see Xatnoc's and Ulrich's posts below)

http://www.ussrphoto.com/UserContent2/432020_Jena Contax 27972 1.jpg

http://www.ussrphoto.com/UserContent2/432020_Jena Contax 27972 3.jpg

Amitiés. Jacques.

Edited by - Jacques M. on Jan 06 2023 05:44:31 AM
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Jacques M.
2639 Posts
Posted - Jul 08 2021 :  08:40:21 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Another Jena Contax here (# 18055), already with the heavy back.


The lens is an "exotic" Sonnar, already shown in another topic.

Amitié. Jacques.

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Elmar Lang
33 Posts
Posted - Aug 31 2021 :  04:57:18 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

just to add a little further detail to this interesting thread, I would like to add the data of my "Jena" Contax:

S.N.: 27893, also present on the inner surface of the "heavy" type, sheet-brass back; "square" accessory shoe.

Lens: Carl Zeiss Jena Sonnar 1:2 5cm. "red T" s.n. 3051152.

All the best,

Enzo (E.L.)

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Jacques M.
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Posted - Sep 01 2021 :  10:43:00 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks, Enzo. I will add it in my listing.

For those who would be interested by that listing (around 240 Jena Contaxes), just pm. Unless Vlad thinks it could be interesting in our wiki?

Amitiés. Jacques.
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Elmar Lang
33 Posts
Posted - Sep 03 2021 :  08:32:44 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Dear Jacques,

I think that your listing would be most invaluable to those involved in the study and research about the evolution from the Contax to the Kiev lines.

Congratulations for your research effort,

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Stefan Baumgartner
5 Posts
Posted - Jan 03 2023 :  11:16:36 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hello everyone,
I have a concern that the ivory Contax 27972 shown in this thread above represents an authentic ivory camera. This notion is for the simple reason that the camera looks too good, the paint looks too fresh. I have followed the fate of this camera: first it was sold at a German Auction house, "Cornwall" in Cologne in auction 38, then it appeared on eBay again in 2016 where it was sold to the next owner. In my data, I also find a comment of a previous ivory Contax expert who expressed the same concern as me: looks too good. All true ivory Contax show some wear and the color starts to disintegrate. Using this criteria, any fake has a difficult position, as paint cannot be easily converted to paint that has already experienced >70 years. Similar situation as in paintings.......
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Jacques M.
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Posted - Jan 04 2023 :  07:31:59 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

When I began collecting these cameras, I was much surprised by their general condition: many of them seem almost new. Visibly, not or only few used: gifts, as it is often said?
The paint of the ivory ones is of course more fragile than the chrome of the regular ones. And this 27972 seems to have all the external details of the Jena Contaxes. So, original, repaint, or even fake?

That said, you know these cameras much better than me, Stefan!

Amitiés. Jacques.
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Stefan Baumgartner
5 Posts
Posted - Jan 04 2023 :  10:36:41 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Dear Jacques,

make some quick tests:

1) remove the back: does it feel heavy (a) or light (b)?
2) look through the finder: is the distance meter silver (a) or golden (b) ?
3) remove one of the 4 screws that fix the film plate (preferably one at the bottom: is the head of the screw cylindric (i.e. massive) (a) or more filigree (b) ?

if all 3 answers are (a), then it is likely a true ivory Contax.....

Good luck and report back, thanks!

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Jacques M.
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Posted - Jan 04 2023 :  11:03:56 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Stefan,

I don't own any ivory: it's out of my possibilities!
But I know these tests. My "regular" Jena Contaxes are OK, except for the first ones concerning the weight of the back. Of course...

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Ulrich W.
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Posted - Jan 04 2023 :  3:37:42 PM  Show Profile  Visit uwittehh's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Hi Stefan,

I think you are right. According to the data I have the Ivory 27972 is a fake camera.


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Jacques M.
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Posted - Jan 05 2023 :  03:36:54 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

I have just verified my own listing and there is no doubt. The 27972 is a fake. I should have checked earlier.
Thanks, Stefan and Ulrich!

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Jacques M.
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Posted - Jan 05 2023 :  11:30:44 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Another regular Jena Contax here (s/n 27996), that time with a Topogon 25mm and its correct universal finder (both added after).


The Topogon is said to have inspired the Orion 15.


Edited by - Jacques M. on Jan 06 2023 06:11:14 AM
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Stefan Baumgartner
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Posted - Jan 06 2023 :  05:09:13 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
regarding the ivory 27972 Contax in the thread above: the leather case is most likely a true one..........
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Jacques M.
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Posted - Jan 06 2023 :  05:47:16 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
... and the similarities between the leather case and the leatherette are astonishing.
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Robert Vonk
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Posted - Jan 06 2023 :  06:56:55 AM  Show Profile  Visit Fotohuis's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Well I am just back from Ukraine last month and I took a complete Kiev-4AM set with a beam splitter, 50mm J-8M, a 35mm J-12 and a 85mm J-9. Do not ask me what I was doing there, it had something to do with a Leopard (1) tank training.

It is a great camera set and I am very happy with it. For the rest I have seen a lot of misery and too many funerals.

I also took my Leica M7 set with me (and back). So I made some photos on Kodak 5222 XX film and on the way back to the Netherlands I have visited a former Ukrainian photo model living in Düsseldorf (Germany) now. It was an emotional visit because just before the war she had a cancer diagnose, whomp removed and bleeding on the way to Germany. Fortunately a little bit recovered but we talked a lot and I made a photo shoot with her. I am sure she could use the extra money for it.

"De enige beperking in je fotografie ben je zelf"
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Robert Vonk
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Posted - Jan 06 2023 :  07:05:25 AM  Show Profile  Visit Fotohuis's Homepage  Reply with Quote

"De enige beperking in je fotografie ben je zelf"
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Jacques M.
2639 Posts
Posted - Mar 21 2023 :  09:40:51 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Another Jena Contax arrived here yesterday.



Edited by - Jacques M. on Mar 21 2023 09:45:11 AM
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Jacques M.
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Posted - Mar 21 2023 :  09:48:43 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

But it is not numbered:



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Jacques M.
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Posted - Mar 21 2023 :  10:04:01 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Absolutely nothing on (and inside) the body. Just what could be a serial number on the back, half hidden by the film roller: perhaps 11875, at first sight...


This camera has all the visible features of the Jena Contax, except the finder which shows the remarkable X when you look through the large window: a Dresden Contax feature (impossible to show).

I wonder where and by whom it was made: perhaps mounted for black market... Impossible to trace when there is no number...

Amitiés. Jacques.
PS: I bought it without lens. The western Sonnar was added for the photo.
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Jacques M.
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Posted - Mar 21 2023 :  12:06:33 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Of course, this camera has nothing in common with that one:


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Jacques M.
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Posted - Mar 25 2023 :  12:01:16 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

I have opened it to know more. But it is "only" an ordinary Jena Contax.
Here is a photo of the prism. With the X, no doubt it is a Dresden part. A good number of early Kievs have this same prism which comes from the "transportation" from Dresden to Kiev.


Usually, the Jena Contaxes have a prism with only one inside visible line, from the front left to the back right. The later Kievs too, but every FSU collector knows that

Comments are welcome!
Amitiés. Jacques.

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Elmar Lang
33 Posts
Posted - Mar 28 2023 :  02:59:16 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

just to add some further data, before finding the time to take proper pictures of the piece, I can say that my "Jena" Contax is body nr. 27893 (same number, engraved to the inside of the back, "heavy" sheet-brass type); the lens mounted on it, is a Carl Zeiss Jena Sonnar 50/2 "red T", nr. 3051152, from a batch of 1500 pieces, whose production was set in the summer of 1947.

All the best,

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19 Posts
Posted - Dec 08 2023 :  10:23:22 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

we had a lot about the Jena Contax, including the "ivory" version. There is also a black face version. Some cameras were sold recently at Leitz Photographica Auctions:

28039 + Sonnar 2/5cm T (3059673): Leitz Photographica Auction #41 (November 2022); hammer price 3120 Euro
28068: Leitz Photographica Auction #37 (November 2020); hammer price ca. 4000 Euro
28079: Leitz Photographica Auction #36 (June 2020); hammer price ca. 5000 Euro

I was very lucky to find another one of them with the serial number 28073. Als serial numbers are very close and all cameras show the same characteristics of the Jena Contax.




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19 Posts
Posted - Dec 08 2023 :  10:33:15 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
And there was a very interesting Jena-Kiev (or Kiev-Jena) at Wetzlar Camera Auction #5 in October 2023, Lot 228: http://s759420438.online.de/A5/mobile/index.html
You can find it at liveauctioneers (login required): https://www.liveauctioneers.com/price-result/arsenal-kiev-ii-carl-zeiss-jena-contax-ii/

It was sold for about 14.000 Euro. From the auction text:
"Probably the rarest version of the Kiev II, still produced by Carl Zeiss Jena. Two serial numbers, 5913 and 470038, as well as the "Carl Zeiss Jena"-logo engraved on the accessory shoe. The number 16 stamped inside twice. The back door without engraving of a serial number. The name ring of the later, so-called "no name" lens, without any engraving of a model or manufacturer designation, just engraved with "Jena 1:2 f=50 mm Nr. 3501248". Very few of these cameras are known and have not been shown in any specialist literature to date. The total production is unlikely to have exceeded 50 pieces."

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Jacques M.
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Posted - Dec 09 2023 :  09:58:54 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Congratulations for your Jena Contax "black face". Rare cameras! Probably around fifty in the 28xxx range, and perhaps some others on the 305xx range, by my data...
Thanks for the photos of your #28073. The 2/50mm Sonnar (not the usual 5cm) is interesting too. Your "black face" is not the only late Jena Contax to have received such a Sonnar in millimeters (still by my data).

Amitiés. Jacques.
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Ulrich W.
859 Posts
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Posted - Dec 10 2023 :  2:38:30 PM  Show Profile  Visit uwittehh's Homepage  Reply with Quote

congratulations! What a great find! I have 2 Jena Contax (in chrome) with serial numer 278xx, so close to yours. Are you able to disassemlbe them? It would be very interesting if there are markings from the craftsman that has assembled them.
Mine are both marked with a CA or AC, which could be the initials of August Coutandin, a guy who worked at Zeiss Jena in those years.

See the picture for the marking:



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Jacques M.
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Posted - Dec 11 2023 :  03:07:44 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Very interesting markings! Thanks, Ulrich!
I had seen some on my own cameras, but payed no attention. Stupid of me.
Are there other ones?

Amitiés. Jacques.
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Ulrich W.
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Posted - Dec 11 2023 :  11:31:37 AM  Show Profile  Visit uwittehh's Homepage  Reply with Quote

yes, there are more markings existing:

1) On my early export KIEV II from 1950 there is the name "Hans" written on the back under the film pressure plate. According to Altix these 1949/50 early export KIEVs (with engraved and not stamped name on the front) are made in 1947 in Jena and were shipped to Kiev so that the new workers can learn how to assemble/diassemble the camera. In 1949/50 these cameras were engraved bilingual, got a serial number and were sold then:


And look at the small engraved "N" near the shutter number (also the 1950 KIEV II):


2) On my Jena Contax with serial 27885 there are also engravements from August Coutandin, see the "AC" on two places of the shutter:



3) And see the Jena Contax 18133: Also the "AC" and the there is a "E" engraved. Maybe the E stands for "Hilmar Eichler":


And here is the Jena Contax crew, there you can see August and Hans:



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Jacques M.
2639 Posts
Posted - Dec 11 2023 :  4:29:32 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Many thanks fot this very complete explanation, Ulrich!
And I had forgotten that famous photo with the "Jenaers"...
Really, I should check my own Jena Contaxes and early Kievs...

Amitiés. Jacques.

Edited by - Jacques M. on Dec 11 2023 4:39:14 PM
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19 Posts
Posted - Dec 11 2023 :  5:57:32 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks Ulrich and Jacques. I hope I can find some time at the next weekend to open the camera. I also have a earlier Jena Contax (chrome) with the number 15325. According to Bernd Otto, that camera should date from 1949 and the cameras with numbers 27801-28100 from 1950.

The information about the early Kiev-II export version was new to me. I'm still looking for one of these, there were a few on ebay recently and now I'm annoyed that I didn't get one.

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Jacques M.
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Posted - Dec 12 2023 :  03:06:50 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Checking my photos, a "N" too on my Kiev 1948:

http://www.ussrphoto.com/UserContent2/12122023_Contax II 1948 002.jpg

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Luiz Paracampo
Luiz Paracampo
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Posted - Dec 12 2023 :  4:34:56 PM  Show Profile  Visit Luiz Paracampo's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Excellent historic data Ulrich Great research
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Ulrich W.
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Posted - Jan 31 2024 :  3:08:20 PM  Show Profile  Visit uwittehh's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Luiz and treehorn, thanks. The history of the Kiev is very interesting. And I think that there are more secrets that we don't know until now :-)

Jacques, the N looks like mine. And typically there are the two scratced lines under and above the digits of the serial number. Seems to be made from the same person.



Edited by - uwittehh on Jan 31 2024 3:08:49 PM
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Juhani Halmeenmaki
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Posted - Jan 31 2024 :  11:34:09 PM  Show Profile  Visit cedricfan's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I would never have guessed, that there has been so small amount of people making the actual cameras from pieces, this is far from serial production.

Best regards,
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19 Posts
Posted - Feb 16 2024 :  01:22:02 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Finally I found some time to open the black #28073. There is no number at the shutter, only the marking "III"



Edited by - treehorn on Feb 16 2024 01:22:31 AM
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Ulrich W.
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Posted - Mar 08 2024 :  5:29:13 PM  Show Profile  Visit uwittehh's Homepage  Reply with Quote

nice that you were able to open it. I have never seen a scratched in "III" on any Kiev. Really interesting. Maybe this could be an original Contax shutter?


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Jacques M.
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Posted - Nov 14 2024 :  10:02:53 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Another Jena Contax II here, belonging to the 15xxx batch (in fact, 15201 to 15450, mounted in 1949).
No real changes, compared to the precedent batches, except the back which is heavy, as made of brass rather alloy.

Some photos (ask for others if useful):




Amitiés. Jacques.

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Ulrich W.
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Posted - Nov 17 2024 :  5:26:25 PM  Show Profile  Visit uwittehh's Homepage  Reply with Quote

nice find. I'm curious to see if there are also engravings of the fitters inside. You remember the "C/A" in my Jena Contax.


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Jacques M.
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Posted - Nov 18 2024 :  08:22:36 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

I have a look inside as soon as I can.
Thanks, Ulrich.
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United Kingdom
134 Posts
Posted - Nov 20 2024 :  09:35:23 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I was looking at some pictures I took of 501774, which I overhauled may years ago. I noticed an N on the slow speeds mechanism similar to the one elsewhere in this thread. The chassis number is 1767

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United Kingdom
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Posted - Nov 20 2024 :  09:38:50 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

for some reason the image failed to load last attempt!

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United Kingdom
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Posted - Nov 20 2024 :  09:39:48 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

And the chassis number..

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Ulrich W.
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Posted - Jan 22 2025 :  4:25:29 PM  Show Profile  Visit uwittehh's Homepage  Reply with Quote

interesting, once again the "N" and the square incised numbers. It was probably always carved by the same person.


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