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Zenit-S (C) Bio-Stereo

Created by Vlad on 12/27/2007 10:43:50 PM
Last Edited by Vlad on 12/27/2007 10:46:01 PM  
Located in
Still Cameras > Modified and Fantasy Cameras

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Luiz Paracampo
Luiz Paracampo

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Posted - Feb 18 2008 :  3:31:06 PM  Show Profile  Visit Luiz Paracampo's Homepage  Reply with Quote
At first I may tell you the excellencce of the new index This is exactly as it would be. Better it will be worse.
There I found this Zenit Bio-Stereo that I did not see previously.
I think although thet this is not an original camera , it is a remake once the stereo attachment also found in "stereo- attachments" is a Lomo piece of 1964 while Zenit S should be of a previos date. (in 1964 there were being produced Zenit 3M) and is a KMZ canera. So I sugges a cathegory change.

Vladislav Kern
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Posted - Feb 18 2008 :  3:42:39 PM  Show Profile  Visit Vlad's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Luiz, I've seen this set with my own eyes, it really looks like a factory kits, since the case has sections for different pieces... I think it's entirely possible that they used an older camera with the microscope attachment...

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Vladislav Kern
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Posted - Feb 20 2008 :  3:11:59 PM  Show Profile  Visit Vlad's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Also why would somebody bother faking a medical specialized camera.... especially making an engraving on it...
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Luiz Paracampo
Luiz Paracampo
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Posted - Feb 20 2008 :  8:01:38 PM  Show Profile  Visit Luiz Paracampo's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I believe this is not a good minding basis, once somebody may fake anything.
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Vladislav Kern
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Posted - Feb 20 2008 :  10:50:53 PM  Show Profile  Visit Vlad's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Luiz, I am no expert but you guys are and I always value your opinion, you know that, but I would like someone else to second it before I move it to another category. Also I wonder if Zoom has anything to say about it...

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Bill Parkinson
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Posted - Feb 20 2008 :  11:46:09 PM  Show Profile  Visit nightphoto's Homepage  Reply with Quote

Just my opinion, but I would agree with Luiz, probably. The engraving would really serve no purpose since any M-39 SLR camera could fit on the stereo attachment. You would not need to have a camera engaved with a special name. Also if a medical or scientific camera is designed (say, a different mount) it is usually given a different number designation, I think.
To engrave this is a good way to sell a camera like Zenit-C, which is hard to sell. Why would it be called "BIO-STEREO" when there is actually nothing eithr "BIO" or "STEREO" about the camera?

Regards, Bill

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Vladislav Kern
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Posted - Feb 20 2008 :  11:56:41 PM  Show Profile  Visit Vlad's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Ok Bill, I'll go by two of yous opinion... well BIO-STEREO is BIO - for use with a microscope attachment that comes with a kit and Stereo is since the attachment is for stereo microscope... and it is a whole kit, with a case, accessories and everything if you saw all images... not just the camera and the microscope.. well I'll move it to modified section until further investigation...

Thank you both,
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Bill Parkinson
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Posted - Feb 21 2008 :  12:38:12 AM  Show Profile  Visit nightphoto's Homepage  Reply with Quote

I thought the case just looks like a camera case that you can buy at a store, unless there were some kind of medical or factory markings on it. Usually microscope cameras are in a hard box, not a portable camera case and also any medical kit would likely be made with all the parts by one company (ie. all KMZ or all LOMO, etc.) and also, as Luiz said, the dates of the pieces may not be contemporary to each other. And, it looks like there are other lenses in the case ... what would they be.
So, I'm not saying for sure it's not a factory set, just that I don't see any indication that it is or that the parts were originally meant to be together as a set.

Regards, Bill

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Luiz Paracampo
Luiz Paracampo
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Posted - Feb 22 2008 :  02:43:00 AM  Show Profile  Visit Luiz Paracampo's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Vlad and Bill
Only for illustrating purposes the LOMO microscopes were called "Biolam" and by that a Bio-anything.
A good way to see the originallity is seeing through a loupe the bio stereo engravings and the Zenit S Compare the cutting tools marks.

Recently a man went to me wanting to sell a Versush Leica M3 a well done fake made probably here in Brazil or Argentina were there are competent service men.
Seeing the extremely well done engravings "V-07" instead of serial number and the "Leitz Betriebsk" using the same normograph as original ones I saw a slight deeper engravings and a differnt ink from the original. So a fake.
In Argentina this is a common practice. I saw an "Aeronautica Militare" with ensignia with Italian engravings of a 1953 Leica IIIf absolutely perfect, I knew this is a fake because the ownwer of the camera has shown me the same camera before the engravings. I asked him not to do this because the camera would be descharacterized but results were splendid.
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