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Last Edited by
Jacques M. on
4/4/2024 7:44:17 AM
Welcome to USSRPhoto.com
About this site
This site is dedicated to all the individuals in the world who collect Soviet and
Post-Soviet Photographic equipment. It is intended to be used as a central knowledge
repository for everything that is related to photography in Soviet Union or in the
post-communist Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.
It is a creation of several Soviet / Russian camera collectors, working together
to create a central comprehensive resource, covering many areas of this field all
in one place. Anyone who registers on this web site can revise and add to the online
wiki catalog of the photo equipment, add and review sellers of Soviet/Russian photographic
equipment and participate in forum discussions.
The web site and the information on it is maintained by the member - collectors
themselves. Think of it an sort of a Wikipedia, but strictly for Russian / Soviet
photographic equipment and related material. The site also includes a general Soviet
/ Russian camera forum for member discussion of many topics, and a Collector's Resource
area where there are links to collections, historical information, buying and selling
resources, and camera seller reviews. This web project is completely free of charge
and is open to anyone who wants to participate.
This website consists of 3 sections:
A Wiki-style Catalog of Soviet/Russian Cameras – this section can be edited or added
to by any user who registers on the website. This Wiki Catalog will feature information
on each Russian / Soviet camera model and manufacturer, as well as the rare and
unique examples that are not often seen. Any entry concerning Soviet / Russian camera
production or history will be welcome.
A User-Maintained database of Camera Collections, Soviet / Russian equipment dealers,
eBay Sellers and Online Stores (with reviews and opinions of the dealers).
Discussion Forums – discuss a wide range of topics and sell, trade, or buy anything
related to Soviet Photographic equipment.