Author |
Topic  |
BERRY alain mermoz37
814 Posts |
Posted - Mar 29 2010 : 05:36:41 AM
Ulrich, this lens is a little bit common : special edition in 80 'S for Moscow olympic games . you can match it easily on a Zenit 80's body whith such a logo ans so make a nice set. |
Ulrich W. uwittehh
851 Posts My Collection
Posted - Mar 31 2010 : 5:19:04 PM
Alain and Juhani,
thanks, I thought it was more uncommon :-) But nevertheless I like the lens box with the "golden" name on it.
But another goodie is on the way to me, a FED 1B (Type B3) with serial number 9xxx :-) I hope it arrives the next days to me.
Ulrich |

Juhani Halmeenmaki cedricfan
1026 Posts My Collection
Posted - Mar 31 2010 : 11:26:21 PM
Here "rare" has a different meaning  What I also like in that Jupi-box is the strap lugs. Many times I wonder how they carried their equipment back in USSR-times. In coat pockets?
Best regards, Juhani |
Jacques M.
2625 Posts |
Posted - Apr 01 2010 : 05:28:38 AM
With a non flush rangefinder (= ridge), Ulrich? Yesterday, I bought a Fed-Zorki # 02373. The only one which is not in Japan and not bought by Jeff!  Interesting: some details seem later than on my # 03278. I will do a close comparison when I have it.
Really, all that (and specially this topic) is ruinous...
Amitiés. Jacques.
Ulrich W. uwittehh
851 Posts My Collection
Posted - Apr 01 2010 : 11:23:51 AM
today the FED arrives here. You are right, it has a rectangular viewfinder with a small step to the top, just like the FED 1B3 on Aidas site.
And you are right too, this thread is ruinous... :-)
Ulrich |
Ulrich W. uwittehh
851 Posts My Collection
Posted - Apr 01 2010 : 2:22:48 PM
here it is, it's really beautiful :-)

And because we are all a little bit crazy... today a "few" cameras in a big packet arrived here :-D

Ulrich |
Jacques M.
2625 Posts |
Posted - Apr 01 2010 : 3:02:16 PM
OK, finally, perhaps I'm not so crazy! 
Amitiés. Jacques. |
Ulrich W. uwittehh
851 Posts My Collection
Posted - Apr 01 2010 : 3:11:25 PM
well... it was an offer that I could not resist :-)
Ulrich |
Ulrich W. uwittehh
851 Posts My Collection
Posted - Apr 10 2010 : 1:43:53 PM
Grmbl... I hate days like this :-) I saw an early Zorki 1b on ebay (serial number 17xxx) and won it. I only wanted to have it for comparison against my Zorki 1a and my later Zorki 1b models and then sell it away...
But it is the smoothest Zorki 1 that I ever have seen. It cocks so easy and smooth, it releases quiet and it looks nice too. So this is a real russian Leica and I have to keep it :-)
Ulrich |

Alexander K. AlexanderK
593 Posts |
Posted - May 07 2010 : 4:01:58 PM
I have found last week a very interesting FED-lens, that I have not seen live before. It is FED-Stereo (Leitz Stemar copy) with s/n 205. It seems to be a 2nd version with black engraving. It looks optically very good, the diaphragm seems to be working and I am going to try my luck with taking pictures with this lens.

Regards, Alexander |
Ulrich W. uwittehh
851 Posts My Collection
Posted - May 19 2010 : 3:44:40 PM
quote: Originally posted by AlexanderK
I have found last week a very interesting FED-lens, that I have not seen live before. It is FED-Stereo (Leitz Stemar copy) with s/n 205. It seems to be a 2nd version with black engraving. It looks optically very good, the diaphragm seems to be working and I am going to try my luck with taking pictures with this lens.
Regards, Alexander
I have seen it on ebay. After I have seen the price I have asked me "what crazy guy has got this... 500 bucks" Now I see that it is one of the crazy guys from here :-D
Ulrich |
Ulrich W. uwittehh
851 Posts My Collection
Posted - May 19 2010 : 4:00:46 PM
By the way... some weeks are gone since the "big packet" arrived here. It was a real surprise. First thougth was "No one has a bag, but all have spools in it!"
Besides the dark brown FED 2 there are some nice things:
A red and a blue FED 2, the red one will replace the one in my collection. If anybody wants to have a nice red FED 2b mail me :-)
A Zorki-Zorki 1b in nice condition with 5 digits serial number and a Zorki 1e like new.
One very nice FED 2a with low 5 digits serial.
And a very late FED 2d Type D7 according to Aidas' site. Serial number starts with 6827.
Some of the other Zorki 1 had broken shutters. Btw, I have seen a lot of broken shutters (holes in the curtains, hard curtains and so on) on Zorki 1c models with serials in between 200000 and 300000 before. Earlier and later Zorkis mostly have intact shutter curtains.
Ulrich PS: The blue and my red FED 2, the Zorki 1e are to sell :-) |

Alexander K. AlexanderK
593 Posts |
Posted - May 19 2010 : 4:03:34 PM
Hello Ulrich, you are right, it is crazy to collect russian cameras at all . I just wanted to see it live and now I have the perfect possibility to do it! I don't worry about the price, this lens goes on eBay with the same price as I got it 
Regards, Alexander |
Ulrich W. uwittehh
851 Posts My Collection
Posted - May 27 2010 : 2:12:33 PM
Another nice find :-) Today a silver Telemar 22 5.6/200 arrives here. It has M42 mount and serial number 000170. I think this is a nice low number :-)
Ulrich |
Richard Nuttall Poolhall
United Kingdom
163 Posts |
Posted - May 27 2010 : 4:44:03 PM
Thats funny Ulrich, I recently got a black m42 Telemar 22A serial 000415- great minds think alike. As a matter of interest the writing on the filter end of my lens is in roman not cyrillic script, I have not seen many pics of this lens but they all have cyrillic lettering -what is yours if I may ask?. BTW I have taken some shots with it and its not bad, a little low in contrast but very light and handy to use.
Samsung GX-10,too many Russian Lenses, A lot of Zenits, an Almaz 103 a few Yashica,and finally a Minox35GT |

Juhani Halmeenmaki cedricfan
1026 Posts My Collection
Ulrich W. uwittehh
851 Posts My Collection
Posted - Aug 12 2010 : 1:43:29 PM
Today a nice Zorki 3 arrives here. A set I have never seen before. Camera in good condition, leather bag with the small plastic card, instruction booklet (never have one of the Zorki 3 seen before), papers in the booklet and Zorki 3 box!
The best is, the camera number on the box, on the papers and on the camera itself are the same, the lens serial number is the same as in the papers. So an original Zorki 3 set. I have never seen one before.

Ulrich |

391 Posts My Collection
Posted - Aug 13 2010 : 01:20:59 AM
Congratulations ! Even the box looks brand- new ! |
Ulrich W. uwittehh
851 Posts My Collection
Posted - Aug 14 2010 : 4:26:29 PM
yes, the box is really like new, as the whole camera. I have CLA'ed it today and now it looks as it comes out of the factory yesterday. Really nice and a very fine piece for my collection. It seems that it wasn't used for decades. Inside the camera was a small piece of paper with writings "Zorki 3, Jupiter, Box, Bag, Booklet, 4|2|1974". Maybe the seller or someone else has bought it in 1974 and never used since that time.
Ulrich |
Jacques M.
2625 Posts |
Posted - Aug 17 2010 : 09:39:20 AM
Bravo for this brand new 1954 Zorki 3, Ulrich! The papers and the box are most interesting. But certainly you have room enough to collect all that is interesting!  Considering the serial number, I suppose your Zorki is a "classic" 3?
Amitiés. Jacques. |
Ulrich W. uwittehh
851 Posts My Collection
Posted - Aug 18 2010 : 4:09:59 PM
thanks. Yes, it seems to be a classic Zorki 3, it has the stand foot like a Contax or early Kiev. But it has an arrow instead of a point engraved as marker for the speeds on the top. And the lens is one of the Jupiter 8 that is of older build type (the one that is not easy to disassemble :-)
And about the room for collecting all of them... don't aks :-D
Ulrich |
Jacques M.
2625 Posts |
Ulrich W. uwittehh
851 Posts My Collection
Posted - Sep 17 2010 : 4:11:40 PM
congrats to the KIIV IIIa and the stereo set. The camera looks really nice.
Ulrich |
Ulrich W. uwittehh
851 Posts My Collection
Posted - Oct 14 2010 : 3:04:15 PM
To push this thread a bit :-)
Today a never seen before I-50 arrived here. A collapsable version with printed aperture, name and KMZ sign on the front plate and an engraved number on the focus ring. It's made in 1959.
Ulrich |

Alexander K. AlexanderK
593 Posts |
Posted - Oct 14 2010 : 3:42:19 PM
Hello Ulrich,
do you mean this one? It is also from 1959 (No.5950127)

Regards, Alexander |
Ulrich W. uwittehh
851 Posts My Collection
Posted - Oct 14 2010 : 3:53:19 PM
right, it's the same one. Mine has number 5915598
Ulrich |
Ulrich W. uwittehh
851 Posts My Collection
Posted - Oct 14 2010 : 6:24:35 PM
Well, here's a curios lens... A M39 J-12, serial number starting with 87, so it should be from 1987. Made by LZOS. But it is silver! It looks like new, no marks of transplating a newer lens barrel into an old house. Until when do they have built silver J-12?
Ulrich |
Jacques M.
2625 Posts |
Posted - Oct 21 2010 : 07:19:53 AM
Received this morning a 1949 Fed-Zorki with the correct lens. And two war time LTM Zeiss lenses: Sonnar 1,5/5cm and collapsible 2/5cm. Both T coated. Fabulous! 
I will open in a while a topic about war time Zeiss lenses, as forerunners of ZK...
Amitiés. Jacques. |
Ulrich W. uwittehh
851 Posts My Collection
Posted - Oct 31 2010 : 3:46:51 PM
congratulations to the FED-Zorki and the two lenses. What are the numbers of the Sonnar lenses?
As I said in the TSVVS thread I own one now. Here are some pictures after cleaning and reassembling it (maybe I disassemble it again to take comparision photos between it and a FED).

Unfortunately the lever that locks the lens was missing, so I replaces it by one of a Kiev. But this one is a bit too long so the lens does not sit correctly in the middle. But as I have seen on IIRC Yuris site there may exist other TSVVS's with such lever and I have also seen pictures where this lever is missing.
Different to the one of Bill is that the handle to focus the lens is a big wider than the one on his, but I also have seen these wider handles on some pictures. Seems that they made different handles during the 2 years of production.
Ulrich |
Jacques M.
2625 Posts |
Posted - Nov 01 2010 : 05:34:25 AM
Hi Ulrich,
Two friends of mine have too slightly "incomplete" TSVVS. The one with the same part as you, the second with an incorrect release button (replaced by a Fed one). Perhaps the factory had some problems with parts?
Your TSVVS looks new now! Perhaps I could send you some tens of cameras to clean?  
My Sonnar lenses just arrived: - 2/5cm T coated collapsible serial # 2711193, - 1,5/5cm T coated (rigid)seial # 2786907. Both with Leica screw mount.
It should be great to know more about the production of Zeiss during WW2. At least to have starting points for ZK lenses... I promised a topic about that problem. Not enough time actually!
Amitiés. Jacques. |
Ulrich W. uwittehh
851 Posts My Collection
Posted - Nov 02 2010 : 4:22:18 PM
Hi Jacques,
interesting, so it could be that mine was delivered without the lever and that the use of the two different levers was normal.
The serial numbers of your 2 M39 Zeiss lenses match the range I know about, so they may have been built in 1944. I have some articles about the production of M39 Zeiss lenses and some about the evolution of the Contax to the Kiev, but they are all in german. If you are interested in them let me know, I can send them to you. Or maybe Vlad can make a new topic in the history and documents section so that I can upload them.
Ulrich |
Jacques M.
2625 Posts |
Posted - Nov 03 2010 : 06:07:58 AM
Hi Ulrich,
By the common datas, these lenses would have been made a bit earlier, perhaps in 1942 or 1943. But there is an evident lack of precision for these years... Certainly Vlad might open a new section in the part "history and documents": these information would be useful for anybody interested by Kiev. He could add too the two articles I noted in the topic "forerunners of Kiev 1947". If he thinks that useful. 
Anyway I send you a PM: I will manage to translate these articles!
Amitiés. Jacques. |
Edited by - Jacques M. on Nov 03 2010 06:08:31 AM |

Vladislav Kern Vlad
4256 Posts My Collection
Posted - Nov 03 2010 : 7:57:22 PM
Hi Jacques, what articles are you talking about? |
Jacques M.
2625 Posts |
Ulrich W. uwittehh
851 Posts My Collection
Posted - Nov 16 2010 : 3:42:03 PM
Just saw it on eBay about two weeks ago - a Sokol 2 for a "buy it now" price of 9,95 Euro. Today it arrives, it seems to be an unused camera and it works fine. Even the mercury cell has enough power :-) It is made in 1983 and has the yellow/red squares on the top.
Sokol is like a brick, but I like those bricks :-)
Ulrich |

Milo Schekkerman Valkir1987
202 Posts |
Posted - Nov 26 2010 : 3:36:29 PM

Just finished in my collection. :) A Fed 1f with serial number 232966. I really doubt the ring of the release collar is from Fed originally.
There was no lens unfortunately, so I decided to use a Leica compatible lens mount from a spare Zorki C. Shimmed it down to 28.8mm, still have to adjust correct readings for close focus!
Got it as a bunch of parts with cracked curtains, and put in new curtains. Cleaned out all the gears and treated the axes and some moving parts with special mineral watch oil. Believe me, that makes such a difference compared to other oils like; gun oil, sewing machine oil, wd40, machine oil, etc! Its smooth and silent now, like a watch! 
It must be tested nowadays... 
Regards! ;) |
Edited by - Valkir1987 on Nov 26 2010 3:44:42 PM |

Juhani Halmeenmaki cedricfan
1026 Posts My Collection

Milo Schekkerman Valkir1987
202 Posts |
Posted - Nov 27 2010 : 10:55:05 AM
Dear Juhani,
The link you posted is not the one you would like to show us! :) |

Vladislav Kern Vlad
4256 Posts My Collection
Posted - Nov 27 2010 : 10:58:46 AM
Well it kept me occupied for a while lol! circular links are always fun hehe |

Juhani Halmeenmaki cedricfan
1026 Posts My Collection
Ulrich W. uwittehh
851 Posts My Collection
Posted - Jan 26 2011 : 5:42:07 PM
Up with this thread! :-)
Today a KIEV II from 1950 arrives here. It's the version with engraved instead stamped cyrillic and latin name on the front mask. I have never seen one before. It seems to be all original. It is different in some parts from later KIEV II, the front mask material is thicker, the shutter has a hand engraved number, the long rangefinder glass inside looks like one of a Contax, more pieces inside are made of brass, the numbers on the focus ring are seperated with commas instead of points, the self timer lever is smaller. Serial number is 500397.
Very interesting in my opinion. I make some pictures the next days of it and show them here.
Unfortunately there was no lens but I own a matching Jupiter 8 from 1950 that will fit perfectly :-)
Ulrich |
Jacques M.
2625 Posts |
Posted - Jan 27 2011 : 05:52:57 AM
Really interesting, Ulrich! I own two 1950 Kiev, later than yours. I will post photos after! My last "just arrived" is a Leica IIIc with red shutter, on which I have put a correct 1,5/5cm Sonnar wartime. So, I don't tell anything!
Amitiés. Jacques. |
Ulrich W. uwittehh
851 Posts My Collection
Posted - Jan 27 2011 : 4:19:00 PM
Hi Jacques,
yes, really. Here are some pictures it, it still lies partly disassembled on the table :-)
The pictures are compared to an unfortunately broken KIEV II from 1953. So only 3 years difference but a lot of small things that have changed. On the left side the 1950 KIEV II, right side the 1953 KIEV II.
First the serialnumbers of the shutter:

The rangefinder prism, the left one looks Contax like:

The focus wheel, the 1950 one has a Contax style:

The meter scale, the 1950 one has commas instead of points and the engraving looks smoother:

The standfoot, the left one seems to be made out of brass and the grooves on the flip out piece are a little bit deeper inside:

The arrow of the selftimer:

Last but not least the shoe with the serialnumber and the engraved mask of the 1950 one:

More pictures when I have cleaned and reassembled it :-)
Ulrich |
Jacques M.
2625 Posts |
Posted - Jan 28 2011 : 05:32:48 AM
Hi Ulrich, I had heard of these double engraving 1950 Kiev II, perhaps on this site. And you have one of them! Congratulations! The external parts of my two Kiev II (serial numbers 503737 and 506446) are the same as yours: same meter scale with commas, same triangular standfoot, but entirely in aluminium, same arrow on the selftimer. Probably this early 1950 is closer to Contaxes II, and contains more Contax parts. I cannot tell anything about internal parts: I don't dare to disassemble a Kiev/Contax!
The most interesting is of course the front engravings (no "Contax" at the reverse? ) and the shoe...
I have just bought a Jena Contax, last batch, from 1951. Perhaps we could meet to compare all that? 
Amitiés. Jacques. |
Ulrich W. uwittehh
851 Posts My Collection
Posted - Jan 28 2011 : 3:25:02 PM
Hi Jacques,
there is one more thing, the lever of the selftimer is smaller, not so wide. It's the same as the on on my '49 Kiev II or on my Contax II.
A comparison against a Jena Contax of 1951 would be intresting :-) I did not know that they were built until that year.
And here is the 1950 Kiev II after cleaning and reassembling:

Look at that shiny chrome :-) There you can see the smaller lever.
Ulrich |
Jacques M.
2625 Posts |
Posted - Jan 30 2011 : 08:32:25 AM
Ulrich, About the selftimer lever, I don't see any difference between your 1950 Kiev and my own 1950 ones, or even my 1936 Contax and the 1948 contax Jena. But perhaps I don't look at the correct part?
Once more, it seems that the question of the groove on the distance wheel remains open... All Contaxes have this groove, and it seems there is no rule for Kievs: some early have not, later ones have it... For my two 1950 ones, one has, not the other.
Bravo for the cosmetics. Very impressive! Does it work as fine as it looks?
Now, about Jena Contaxes. It's partly thanks to you that I know better these rare things. The 7th page you sent me a while ago shows the dates and numbers of production of Jena Contaxes and early Kievs, from 1946-47. So, the 1947 Kievs are the rarest ones (some prototypes + 450 production items). After, it's almost a motorway with 2000 1948 Kievs and 3500 in 1949. To compare with c.1400 Jena Contaxes between 1946 and 1951 (last batch of 100 items in 1951). As soon as I receive the 1951 Jena Contax, I will dig up the thread about "Kiev forerunners".
So, thanks again, even if I sweat to undestand German!
Amitiés. Jacques. |
Ulrich W. uwittehh
851 Posts My Collection
Posted - Jan 31 2011 : 3:26:10 PM
the self timer lever is a little bit smaller in the width, just about 1mm. It can be seen at the screw.
About the grooves, yes, all Contaxes have the groove in the middle, my KIEV II 1949 has it also. This must be parts that left over from german production and were mixed with russian parts during assembling. The wheel on my 1950 has the grooves on the side which are typical for the Contax, but does not have a groove in the teeth.
It works really good, the shutter runs as one of a Contax. When I disassembled it I also opened the shutter housing to take a look at the shutter. There is a small part of leather on the bottom of the first curtain that stops it at the end. On original Contax shutters this is glues with shellac, on the one of the 1950 Kiev also :-)
Ahhh, yes... I've read the articels some years ago, the details are gone out of my brain ;-) I also know that there are KIEV II existing that have "Carl Zeiss Jena" engraved in the shoe. So, who knows where these 1950 export KIEV II was built? Maybe in Jena?
Ulrich |
Edited by - uwittehh on Jan 31 2011 3:28:55 PM |
Jacques M.
2625 Posts |
Posted - Feb 01 2011 : 11:27:10 AM
After checking, you are right for the lever of the selftimer: it's a bit larger on my 1958 Kiev IIIa. But not on the other Contax/Kiev I own (1936-1950).
About your double engraved 1950 Kiev II, I don't think it could have been made in Jena. In fact, Jena Contaxes were probably only prototypes for Kievs and the Russians had only one idea: make the cameras at home and by themselves. Hence the shipping of all the production material to Kiev as soon as possible. I would even think that a part of the Jena Contaxes were made at Kiev! That would explain why some of the later ones (in the 30500-30600) have a front plate marked KIEB, and always a Jena accessory shoe!
Amitiés. Jacques. |
Jacques M.
2625 Posts |
Posted - Feb 06 2011 : 11:45:21 AM
Hi Ulrich, It seems there is the same here: see collection, Kiev 2 1950, 3. With double engraving too, on front and on the shoe.
You are no more alone!
Amitiés. Jacques. |
Edited by - Jacques M. on Feb 06 2011 3:46:46 PM |
Ulrich W. uwittehh
851 Posts My Collection
Posted - Feb 10 2011 : 4:06:26 PM
nice, the camera on dvdtech looks nearly the same as mine. It's interesting, that the *engraved* double name seems to be used until 1954. Now I am looking for a 1947 Kiev But I think, I'll never get one...
Ulrich |

Jacek Omega
25 Posts |

Vladislav Kern Vlad
4256 Posts My Collection
Posted - Feb 12 2011 : 3:01:29 PM
Omega, absolutely amazing!!! This the first time I see this kind of spy cover for F-21! Thank you very much for posting this, I will add this to catalog.
Best regards, Vlad |

Vladislav Kern Vlad
4256 Posts My Collection
Posted - Feb 12 2011 : 3:13:58 PM
Omega, do you have any more images of this piece? Where did you find it?
Thanks, Vlad. |

Jacek Omega
25 Posts |

Vladislav Kern Vlad
4256 Posts My Collection
Posted - Feb 16 2011 : 7:24:22 PM
Omega, thank you! I will send you a private message.
Vlad |

Jacek Omega
25 Posts |

Juhani Halmeenmaki cedricfan
1026 Posts My Collection
Posted - Feb 27 2011 : 06:28:05 AM
The quality is typical... But with 1/1000 speed you have a rare specimen!
Best regards, Juhani |
David Tomlinson RCCCUK
United Kingdom
208 Posts |
Posted - Feb 28 2011 : 02:17:01 AM
Hi Juhani,
The Albar-15 is certainly a fairy rare camera, but the entries (only 4) in the Wiki catalog suggest that the version with a top speed of 1/1000 may be the more common. I have seen very few with a top speed of 1/500 and I have never seen one with the shutter speed range of 1 sec to 1/1000, so perhaps that is the rarest version. If there are any other Albar-15 owners out there, please add your cameras to the Wiki Catalog.
David. |

Juhani Halmeenmaki cedricfan
1026 Posts My Collection
Posted - Feb 28 2011 : 07:56:28 AM
Must do some homework, but I have seen three with 1/500 and one with 1/1000 and also one with a different shutter speed engraving type: speeds "along" circle and not "through". I do have a picture at home to upload!
The different dial picture now uploaded, and added speed info to mine. Next weekend I will get one more serial number.
Best regards, Juhani |
Edited by - cedricfan on Feb 28 2011 12:14:20 PM |

Juhani Halmeenmaki cedricfan
1026 Posts My Collection

Juhani Halmeenmaki cedricfan
1026 Posts My Collection

Alexander K. AlexanderK
593 Posts |
Posted - Mar 10 2011 : 3:23:11 PM
Hi Juhani! Great GOMZ-Sport! Congratulation! I have just one question about. I have two early Sports with six screws on the top plate and both of them have a serial number engraved inside the camera (363 and 882 as you see on pictures). Does your camera has one as well?
 GOMZ-Sport s/n 363
 GOMZ-Sport s/n 882
Regards, Alexander |

Juhani Halmeenmaki cedricfan
1026 Posts My Collection
Posted - Mar 10 2011 : 10:54:45 PM
Thank you! I did notice your pair, and I have wanted one for years, so when I finally found this I just had to have it. Yes, 587 or 597. The stamp is so poor that I need more than my eyes to be sure which.
Best regards, Juhani |
Edited by - cedricfan on Mar 10 2011 11:11:59 PM |
Ulrich W. uwittehh
851 Posts My Collection
Posted - Mar 19 2011 : 7:02:09 PM
congratulations to the Sport. It looks really cute :-)
Ulrich |
Ulrich W. uwittehh
851 Posts My Collection
Posted - Mar 19 2011 : 7:05:34 PM
My newest find, a Leningrad Stereoskop in original box with slides and stereo pictures. The colors of the slides have gone over the years, but it's a nice find at all.

Ulrich |
Jacques M.
2625 Posts |
Posted - Mar 21 2011 : 07:59:03 AM
Hi Ulrich,
Really funny. When young (at 10-12 years or so, so in 1955 or about), I was offered exactly the same stereoscope, but written in latin caracters. A very good product, with a regulation by the black central wheel (which was red on my model). Unhappily, it disappeared, I don't remember where or when...
So, is yours a copy? Do you have a date for it?
Amitiés. Jacques. PS: congratulations for all these "Sport", Juhani and Alexander. When I have finished with my Contaxes, I will hunt one... |
Ulrich W. uwittehh
851 Posts My Collection
Posted - Mar 21 2011 : 3:42:21 PM
there were some papers in the box. One instruction sheet that shows the date 9/11/62 printed on it and one piece of paper that seemed to be around the big slides, this one is stamped 1969.
So maybe the Stereoskop itself was made in or after 1962 and the slides were bought by somebody in 1969?
Ulrich |
Jacques M.
2625 Posts |
Posted - Mar 22 2011 : 06:11:29 AM
Interesting! Here is the stereoscope Bruguière I had when a child (taken on eBay). Not much differences compared to the Leningrad's... Bruguiere.jpg
So, the Leningrad could be a copy?
Amitiés. Jacques. |
Ulrich W. uwittehh
851 Posts My Collection

Jacek Omega
25 Posts |

Alexander K. AlexanderK
593 Posts |
Posted - Apr 03 2011 : 2:12:19 PM
Two very nice lenses appeared today in my collection:
 Jupiter-6 und Helios-40
I have just updated the catalog and added some more interesting lenses.
Regards, Alexander |

Vladislav Kern Vlad
4256 Posts My Collection
Posted - Apr 03 2011 : 8:06:09 PM
Jacek, the 312m and the 412 cameras although fairly new Zenits seems to be rather uncommon now, congratulations. Zenit-18 is also a very nice acquisition! I don't see those much as well.
Vlad |
Martti Muda fotomuda
155 Posts My Collection
David Tomlinson RCCCUK
United Kingdom
208 Posts |
Martti Muda fotomuda
155 Posts My Collection

Vladislav Kern Vlad
4256 Posts My Collection
Posted - Apr 26 2011 : 7:35:50 PM
Hello Martti! Yes this is a very uncommon version as far as I know, made for Australian market. Congratulations!
Cheers, Vlad |
Ulrich W. uwittehh
851 Posts My Collection
Posted - Apr 27 2011 : 2:07:31 PM
great Global-Zenit, I have never seen one before.
Ulrich |
Ulrich W. uwittehh
851 Posts My Collection
Posted - Apr 27 2011 : 2:12:02 PM
We have a "Sport-Invasion" here :-) Today mine arrived. It's a later one (btw: serial on lens is the serial of the camera?) number 12675. It looks good and works on all speeds and the finder is clear and bright.
I have one question to the lens. If you take off the lens and take a look from behind on it there is a lever with a small spring. Unfortunalety this spring is gone off on my lens and I don't know how to reinstall ist. Can anybody post or mail me a picture of this part of the lens?
So it looks as it comes out of the packet :-)

Ulrich |
Edited by - uwittehh on Apr 27 2011 2:15:07 PM |

Jacek Omega
25 Posts |
Ulrich W. uwittehh
851 Posts My Collection
Posted - Apr 28 2011 : 3:05:50 PM
really nice. It looks like new. Congratulations.
Ulrich |
Ulrich W. uwittehh
851 Posts My Collection
Posted - Apr 28 2011 : 3:08:56 PM
By the way...
I like the "Sport". After examinig and cleaning it it is just a lovely piece of handcraft. A lot of things look handmade. And it is so small even it has the big house on the top :-)
Ulrich PS: Any ideas how to reinstall the spring that fixes(?) the lens? |
Luiz Paracampo Luiz Paracampo
2003 Posts My Collection
Luiz Paracampo Luiz Paracampo
2003 Posts My Collection
Martti Muda fotomuda
155 Posts My Collection
Martti Muda fotomuda
155 Posts My Collection
Jacques M.
2625 Posts |
Posted - May 30 2011 : 2:58:17 PM
Right, Luis. I was too astonished by the similarities between the fronts of the Contax I and the Sport...
As for me, my "just arrived" will be a Zorki 1a I was looking for since a while. When it is here! Thanks to Alex K....
Amitiés. Jacques. |
Jacques M.
2625 Posts |
Martti Muda fotomuda
155 Posts My Collection
Posted - Jun 09 2011 : 02:52:00 AM
Zorki is great!!! Now you have to look for FED KMZ!!!
My earliest zorki is 14060!
Best, Martti |
Jacques M.
2625 Posts |
Posted - Jun 09 2011 : 12:03:54 PM
A Fed KMZ, what a good idea! Why not too a Fed b (the S with slow speeds) and a Kiev 1947? A Fed NKAP, it would be too easy!
Amitiés. Jacques. |

Alexander K. AlexanderK
593 Posts |
Posted - Jun 13 2011 : 07:07:23 AM
You are right, Jacques. With FED-NKAP it was really too easy 

But I have got a wonderful FED 100mm lens with (very rare to find) genuine FED viewfinder:

Regards, Alexander |
Jacques M.
2625 Posts |
Posted - Jun 13 2011 : 07:48:59 AM
Hi Alexander, Bravo for this nice looking NKAP! Think of me if you have too much of them!
Amitiés. jacques. |
Martti Muda fotomuda
155 Posts My Collection
Martti Muda fotomuda
155 Posts My Collection
Posted - Jun 13 2011 : 12:27:58 PM
And AlexanderK, turn around your viewfinder, then it is right!
Best, Martti |

Alexander K. AlexanderK
593 Posts |
Posted - Jun 13 2011 : 12:47:02 PM
Martti, you are right, of coure . I have quick put it on to take the picture. By the way, very interesting case for the viewfinder. I have seen (and also own) only the leather one.
Regards, Alexander |

Juhani Halmeenmaki cedricfan
1026 Posts My Collection

Jacek Omega
25 Posts |
Jacques M.
2625 Posts |
Posted - Jun 30 2011 : 07:09:08 AM
Hello Jacek!
Bravo pour ce très beau Zenit 6, peu commun, avec son Rubin. Du solide et du lourd! Amitiés. Jacques.
(Congrats for this very fine Zenit 6, heavy, well made and not so common. And for the enormous Rubin!) |

Juhani Halmeenmaki cedricfan
1026 Posts My Collection
Jacques M.
2625 Posts |
Posted - Jul 11 2011 : 04:41:56 AM
A very fine 1a, Juhani! The metallurgy of the viewfinder is almost "handmade", to compare with my # 5330 which looks more "factory made". Some improvement between the two...
Amitiés. Jacques.

226 Posts |
Posted - Jul 11 2011 : 10:51:42 AM
For the Moment, is the serial number only the serial number of the lens? Or does the body has also a serial number, and where I can find it please?
Fred |
Topic  |